Smt. Rachna Singh (IAAS)

Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Admin)

Smt. Rachna Singh is an officer of 2014 Batch of Indian Audit & Accounts Service. She is looking after charge of Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Admn).

Before joining this office, she has worked as Director/Admn/CRA in the O/o Director General of Audit (Central), Mumbai.


Shri Atul Bansal (IAAS)

Deputy Accountant General (Accounts & VLC)

Shri Atul Bansal is an officer of 2020-21 Batch of Indian Audit & Accounts Service. He is looking after charge of Deputy Accountant General (Accounts & VLC).


Ms. Sudha Chauhan (IAAS)

Deputy Accountant General (Pension & Funds)