- About GPF
- Informative Booklet
- GPF Sewa Patra
Download GPF Sewa Patra
- GPF Guidelines
- Maintenance of GPF Account
GPF Account Opening Form
GPF Manual
- GPF Information
- Missing Vouchers/G.P.F Missing Schedules/Missing Credits
- Unposted Credit Report
- Do's & Don'ts For GPF
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
Provident Fund is maintained by PAG for the following categories of employees
1. Class III , Class II and Class I including Reemployed
2. High Court Judges
3. All India Service Officers
PAG does not maintain GPF for the following categories of employees
1. Class IV employees of State.
2. Employees of Local Bodies, Municipalities, Panchayat Raj Institutions
3. Corporations, Societies, Institutions (Aided), Autonomous bodies
4. Employees of State Govt. appointed on or after 1.09.2004 who are covered by New Contributory Pension Scheme