- About GPF
- Informative Booklet
- GPF Sewa Patra
Download GPF Sewa Patra
- GPF Guidelines
- Maintenance of GPF Account
GPF Account Opening Form
GPF Manual
- GPF Information
- Missing Vouchers/G.P.F Missing Schedules/Missing Credits
- Unposted Credit Report
- Do's & Don'ts For GPF
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
The office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E) I Maharashtra, Mumbai is maintaining GPF account of around 1.30 lakh employees pertaining to Western Maharashtra/Mumbai Region. The Accounts maintained by Principal Accountant General (A&E)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai are prefixed with MH. The maintenance of GPF is governed by Maharashtra General Provident Fund Rules.
Key Achievements :
- Directions of HOD and strategic management has enabled the Provident Fund Wing to consistently achieve the monthly targets relating to authorization of Final Payment cases, RB cases, arrears in posting of accounts and annual target for clearance of Minus Balances.
- Action Plan implemented under directions of the HOD has shown a dramatic improvement in the clearance of Missing Credit and Unposted Credits, reflecting 100% achievement.
- Consistent efforts culminated in a marked clearance of outstanding Missing Credits and have enabled the Group to achieve the target for ‘A’ Grade for the quarter ended March 2021.
- GPF Module was developed as a sub-system of GPF-VLC system. Credit/Debit posting is fully computerized – Part of VLC Package from the Financial Year 2002-03.
- In-house module developed for authorising Final Refund Applications (GEMS – GPF Entitlement Management System). Operational from April 2011 onwards
- GPF posting merged with VLC from August 2008 Accounts.
- Digitisation of GPF Ledger cards.
Overview :
- PF Group maintains and authorises entitlement benefits in respect of 1,30,078 State Government employees.
- The Activities include:
- Posting of monthly credits and debits
- Authorisation of Final Withdrawal benefits.
- Issue of Annual GPF Account statements.
- Redressal of subscriber grievances.
- The above details are also available on office Website. GPF slips are also hosted in the web site and subscribers can download the same at any point of time.
- This office also has Public Relations Officer to redress the complaints of the subscribers.
- 'The GPF Seva Patra' system has been implemented for contact-less service delivery.