Deputation Circular RCB&KI, Jammu

Retirement office orders

Deputation Circular RCB&KI, Jammu

Centralised departmental examination for Auditors, Graduate MTS/Clerks/DEO

Joining of Sh. Praveen Kumar, AAO on repatriation

Mandatory training for promotion of eligible AAOs to the post of Sr. AO for the panel year 2026

regarding typing test to be held on 14.02.2025

Regarding deputation circular of Semi-conductor Laboratory, Punjab.

Joining Order to the post of Clerk of Sh. Pardeep

Joining Order to the post of Supervisor of Sh. Jaswinder Singh

Deputation circular to various posts.

Circular regarding calling application for UN audit Examination

Deputation Circular

Nomination of Sr.AOs/AAOs/SrPSs/PAs for empanelment for posting to O/o Director General of Audit, London; O/o Principal Director of Audit,Washington and O/o Principal Director of Audit, Kuala Lumpur

Regarding deputation to various posts

Extension of tenure of Caretaker

Regarding deputation circular

Regarding deputation circular.

Gradation List as on 01.03.2024

Fixation of Seniority in the cadre of Supervisor

Fixation of Seniority in the cadre of Stenographer Grade-II

Regarding deputation circular.

Regarding Temporary deputation of Male & Female Muslim Officials to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as Haj Officer and Haj Superintendent for Haj 2025.

Regarding deputation circular

Regarding deputation circular

Nomination of Sr.AOs/AAOs for empanelment for posting to India Audit Office, Nairobi, Kenya

Last date extension in deputation

Regarding deputation circular

Regarding deputation circular to various posts.

Circular regarding timely payment of GPF final payment

Promotion Orders to the post of Auditor.

Office Order regarding regular appointment to the post of Assistant Supervisor

VRS orders of Sh Rajesh Kumar, Sr. AO (VRS-29.10.2024)

Retirement office orders of Smt. Kavita Gupta, Supervsisor (VRS-07.01.2025) and Late Sh. Shashi kumar, AAO (DOD-15.02.2024)

03 months on-job-training (OJT) for DRAAO in respect of Sh. Vinod Kumar Rawat, AAO

Result of quarterly type test held on 24/09/2024

Depuation circular RCB&KI, Prayagraj

Deputation circular to various posts

Deputation Circular

Circular regarding seniority in the cadre of AAOs as on 01.10.2024

Order regarding instructions to field parties

Office Order regarding promotion to the post of Supervisor

Deputation Circular to various posts.

Circular regarding seniority in the cadre of AAOs as on 01.01.2024

Deputation circular to various posts

Departmental examination for Auditors

Deputation circular to RCB&KI, Jammu

Regarding deputation to iCISA, Noida

Regading deputation to various posts

Deputation circular to RCB&KI, Nagpur

Deputation circular

Deputation circular iCED, Jaipur

Regarding deputation the post of SAO/AAO.

Deputation Circular to various posts

Result of End of Training Evaluation Exam of AAOs for promotion as Sr. AO held on 21.08.2024

retirement office orders in respect of Sh Dinesh Kumar, Sr. AO, Sh Rajinder Singh, Sr. AO and Sh Balbir Singh, Asstt Supervisor

Office order regarding relieving of Sh. Manjeet Choudhary, AAO

Deputation Circular

Quarterly typing test in the month of September 2024

Result of Quarterly type test held on 26.06.2024

Office order of Late Sh. Lekhraj Meena, AAO

Regarding reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)

Result of Departmental Examination held in February 2024.

Regarding Deputation to various posts.

Circular regarding seeking application for deputation in EMS

Regarding deputation to various posts.

Revised result incentive examination 2024

Sas pre 2024 Result

Incentive examination result 2024


Applications of Assistant Audit Officer (Commercial) for transfer to Office of the Director General of Audit (Ordinance Factory), Kolkata at Kanpur, Pune, Jabalpur and Nagpur.


Deputation Circular RCB & kl, jammu and Sikkim

Deputation circular to various posts

Clarification regarding admissibility of interest over and above the threshold limit of Rupees Five Lakhs deducted towards GPF.

Officer order regarding stoppage of Compulsory deduction of CGHS from salary of all the employees who are residing in CGHS covered area.

Deputation Circular

Deputation Assam University and Intelligence Bureau

Deputation for Armed Force Tribunal New Delhi

Deputation to RCB & KI, Mumbai

Deputation to RCB & KI Jammu

Office Order regarding reservation in promotion to PwBDs

Deputation Circular AIIMS Bathinda

Deputation to RCB & KI Jammu

Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities

Office Order regarding Fixation of Seniority in the cadre of Auditor

Retirement Office Order of Ms. Surjit Kaur Kalsi, SAO (DOR 31.05.2024)

Partial Modification - Regarding circular for the post of 'Specialist' in the State Audit Institution - Oman

Circular regarding Deputation of Jammu and Prayagraj

Retirement Office Orders

Incentive exam for Sr. Auditors to be held in April 2024

Regarding deputation circular

Office Order regarding grant of NFU to Supervisors

Regarding circular for the post of 'Specialist' in the State Audit Institution - Oman

Office Order regarding fixation/re-fixation of Seniority in the cadre of AAO

Deputation Circular to various posts

Quarterly type test to be held on 08.02.2024

Regarding deputation to various posts at RCB&KI, Nagpur

Deputation Circular to RCB&KI Shillong

Deputation to RCB&KI Jammu

Regarding deputation to RCB&KI Chennai

Quarterly type test application call

Office Order regarding Fixation of seniority in the cadre of DEO-Grade-B.

DCT Exam Feb 2024 application call

Deputation Circular for post of PS and Auditor

Anubhav Award Scheme

Revised result of Departmental Examination for Auditors held in August 2023.

Regarding deputation to NDMC, New Delhi

Regarding deputation to RCB&KI, New Delhi

Result of Punjabi Language Test held on 06.10.2023.

Deputation circular to various posts

Filling up of vacancies in various cadres on deputation basis.

Deputation to Consulate General of India, Jeddah

Depuation to various post

Deputation to National Health Authority , New Delhi

Deputation to various posts

Regarding Deputation to RCB&KI, Jammu

Deputation to the vacant posts - RCB&KI, Prayagraj

Deputation circular to various posts.

Deputation Circular to AFT, New Delhi

Quarterly type test October 2023

In House Training of Quarter III (Vigilance Awareness Week) for the year 2023-24

Voluntary retirement office order of Sh. Tek Chand, Asstt. Supervisor

LTC Office Order

Punjabi language test

Speed test in shorthand for stenographer

Regarding deputation to RCB & KI, Chennai

Global footprint 5th edition

Office order regarding TA bill.

SAS Office Order and Forms for the SAS/CPD/RAE Examination II, 2023

Circular for Inviting application for cash handling duties in this office

Office Order Regarding TA Bill

Deputation For Various Post in PSER And CAG Office

Filling Up deputation at iCisa,Noida

Pension Adalat

Deputation Circular for NBDA Chennai WC Bhopal

Deputation Circular for RTI Jammu and RCB&KI Chennai

Deputation circular Mumbai

fiiling up vacacy of AAO in national academy of audit and accounts ,shimla on deputation basis.

Regarding Deputation to various posts in RTi Prayagraj

Deputation to RTI Jammu & RTI Shillong

Regarding Deputation to RTI Jammu

Retirement Office Order of Smt. Nisha Dutt, Sr. AO ( DOR 31/08/2023)

Retirement office order of Sh. Bhim Singh, Asstt. Sup. ( DOR 31/08/2023)

Retirement office order of Sh. Krishan Kumar, AAO (DOR 31/07/2023)

Retirement office order of Sh. Ajit Singh, Supervisor (DOR 31/08/2023)

Retirement office order of Sh. Baljit Singh, Asstt. Supervisor (DOR 30/09/2023)

Retirement Office Order of Sh. Rajinder Nath, AAO going to retire on 30/09/2023

Office Order regarding Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules. 2016

filling up of vacancies in RTI Shillong on deputation basis

Application Call for DCT Examination to be held in the month of August, 2023

Relieving order of Sh. Mahesh Kumar Yadav, Auditor on mutual transfer

Result of Incentive exam for Sr. auditors held on 17/04/2023

Filling up of various vacancies at RTI Nagpur, RTI Chennai and iCISA Noida on deputation basis 

re-constitution of committee under "Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Act 2013"

Filling up of vacant posts of Assistant Accounts Officer on deputation basis in Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission(PSERC)

Filling up of vacant posts of Private Secretary/Stenographer- Gr. I and Stenographer-Gr. ll in Headquarters office on deputation basis

Filling up of vacancies at Regional Training Institute, Jammu on deputation basis (AAO (eHRMS)/ AAO- One IAAD One System (OIOS))

Nomination of minimum one official for Training of Trainers on, “Child Protection & Child Rights in Disasters and Emergencies” by Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA).

Filling up of vacancies of Private secretary at Regional Training Institute, Prayagraj on deputation basis.

Filling up of vacancies of Sr. Audit Officer(Knowledge CentreDefence Audit) at Regional Training Institute, Jammu on deputation basis.

Filling up of vacancies of AAO(Admn. Non faculty) and Sr. Adr./Adr. at Regional Training Centre, Bengaluru on deputation basis.

Nomination of Sr.AOs/AAOs/Sr.PSs/PAs for empanelment for posting to O/o Principal Director of Audit, London

Office Order regarding fixation of seniority in the cadre of Sr. Auditor

Office order regarding fixation of Seniority in the cadre of Supervisor

Office Order regarding confirmation of Group-C officials in their entry grades

Regarding Draft All India Combined Eligibility List as on 01.07.2020 received from Hqrs. Office

Circular regarding coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System

Filling up the post of AAO (OIOS and eHRMS) and DEO Grade A in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Regarding extension of deputation period beyond fourth year

Notice regarding hiring of retired officers on short term contract basis

Circular regarding re-verification of membership of Commercial Cadre Service Association

Office Order regarding Fixation of Seniority in the cadre of DEO Grade-A

Office Order regarding Fixation of Seniority in the cadre of DEO Grade-B

Circular for Haj Deputation

fixation of Seniority in the cadre of Clerk

Office Order regarding Fixation of seniority in the cadre of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)

Filling up the post of AAO/SAO in RTI Chennai on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of SAO in RTI Hyderabad on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of SAO, AAO and DEO Grade ‘A’ in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Incentive Examination for Senior Auditors/ Assistant Supervisors 

Circular regarding TA instructions

Circular regarding All india gradation list

Extension of the LTC block year 2018-21 (extended) for a period of 03 months-reg.

Regarding reconstitution of SHWW committee

Circular regarding reverification of membership of associations.

Dependent Order

Filling up the post of Junior Accounts Officer in Delhi Jal Board, New Delhi on the deputation basis-reg.

Filling up the post of Accounts Officer in DDA, New Delhi on the deputation basis-reg.

Filling up the post of AAO/SAO in RTI Kolkata on the deputation basisreg.

Filling up the post of AAO/SAO in RTI Prayagraj on the deputation basis-reg.

Cyber Security guidelines for Government Employees-NIC

Guidelines for administration and usage of email-IDs in IA&AD

Filling up the post of AAO/SAO (eHRMS) in RTI Jaipur on the deputation basis-reg.

Filling up the post of AAO(Training) and AAO (OIOS) in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis-reg.

Filling up the post of AAO(Admn) and AAO (eHRMS) in RTC Delhi on the deputation basis-reg.

Circular regarding Redesignation of Posts/Offices in IA&D.

Circular regarding elections of IPAI North West Chapter

End of training examination for Sr.Adrs to promotion to the post of Asstt. Supervisor

Filling up the post of AAO in RTI Ranchi on the deputation basis-reg.

Filling up the post of Steno, Asstt. Supervisor, Sr. Auditor, Auditor, Private Secretary in RTI Shillong on the deputation basis-reg.

Circular-Official Dealings with Public Representative

Office Circular regarding Seeking applications for performing caretaking duties

Office order regarding date sheet and cut off date extension of SAS/RAE/CPD-I,II,III Examination-II of 2022

Office order regarding repatriation of Hindi officer

Office Order reg. Fixation of seniority in the cadre of Assistant Supervisor (Audit)

Office Order regarding Fixation of seniority in the cadre of Assistant Audit Officers (Civil) in r/o candidate who passed SAS exam held in Dec

Office Order regarding Relieving of Sh. Kamal Rawat on mutual transfer

Filling up the post of AAO/Supervisor in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Mandatory training to Sr Auditors for promotion to the post of Asstt. Supervisor

OO 140 Joining Order PAG.pdf

Regarding inviting applications from eligible officials to fill 02 (two) vacant posts of Stenographer Grade-I post on deputation basis

Filling up the post of Assistant Audit Officer(OIOS) in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Assistant Audit Officer(Training) in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Punjabi training for the newly recruited officers/officials.

Office Order reg. fixation of seniority in the cadre of Assistant Audit Officers (Civil) in r/o candidate who passed SAS exam held till November-2019.

Circular regarding permanent absorption of SAS passed officials, waiting for promotion as Regular AAO for want of vacancies in their offices

MTS to Clerk Departmental Examination, Sept, 2022

SAS/RA/Incentive/CPD Examination-II of 2022

Stenographers Speed Test Examination

Filling up the post of Sr. Audit Officer, Asstt. Supervisor, Sr. Auditor, Auditor, DEO Gr A in RTI Mumbai on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of AAO in RTI Ranchi on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Sr. Auditor RTI Jaipur on the deputation basis

Inter-office Transfer orders for SAO-AAOs dated 01.09.2022

Orders for withdrawing Inter-office transfer orders dated 29.06.2022

Mutual Transfer Sumeet office order

Filling up the post of Sr.Auditor/ Sr.Accountant in RTI Chennai on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of AAO/SAO in RTI Chennai on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of AAO for Training Branch in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of AAO for OIOS in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Auditor in RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

DCT Examination Aug 2022

Regarding Deputation to RTI Chennai, RTI Mumbai and iCISA

OO96 Relieving of Sh Jitendra Yadav AAO

Increment on passing Incentive Examination in r/o Sh. Nitin Goswami, Sr. Auditor

Office Order regarding completion of probation period of Auditors joined through CGLE-2017

Regarding extension of probation period of Auditors joined through CGLE 2017

Filling up the post of Senior Accounts Officer in O/o the PAG(A&E), Punjab, Chandigarh on the deputation basis


Filling up the post of Financial & Chief Accounts Officer (F&CAO) (Level-11) in AIIMS, New Delhi on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Administrative Officer/Assistant Assessor & Collector (Level 09) in MCD, New Delhi on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Assistant Commissioner/Deputy Assessor & Collector (Level 11) in MCD, New Delhi on the deputation basis

Induction Training Evaluation Test

दो दिवसीय हिंदी कार्यशाला - 25/7/2022 एवं 26/7/2022

राजभाषा नियम 1976 के नियम 10(4) व 8(4) से संबंधित

Filling up the post of Personal Secretary in RTI Ranchi on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Junior Hindi Translator in RTI Kolkata on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Senior Administrative Officer in iCISA, Noida on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Junior Accounts Officer in Department of Fertilizers, Delhi on the deputation basis

Nomination for Punjabi Training

Self nomination of Gazetted officers for duty in SSC Exams

Office Order 81 Amit Kumar Mutual Transfer

Incentive Office Order

Type Test for Clerks

Office order DCT

Circular regarding nomination for posting to Office of PDA Kuala Lumpur

Filling up the post of Private Secretary in RTI Pryagraj on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of AAO(Training) RTI Jammu on the deputation basis

Filling up the post of Assistant Supervisor in RTI Jaipur on the deputation basis

Office Order NPS

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