पेंशन की जानकारी
पेंशन कार्य के बारे में
पेंशन की श्रेणियां
पारिवारिक पेंशन
जिम्मेवार प्राधिकारी
पेंशन का इतिहास /पृष्ठभूमि
पेंशन कागजातों की प्रक्रिया हेतु मानक दिशानिर्देश
पेंशन आवेदन की प्रक्रिया
पेंशन के लिए क्या करें एवं क्या न करें
पेंशन का प्राधिकरण
पेंशन के वर्ग
जाँच सूची - पेंशन
अगले 2 वर्षों में सेवानिवृत्त होने वाले राज्य सरकार के कर्मचारियों की सूची
Superannuation Pension
A superannuation pension is granted to a Government Servant entitled or compelled by rule, to retire at a particular age.
Retiring Pension
A Retiring Pension shall be granted to a Government Servant who retires, or is retired, in advance of the age of superannuation in accordance with provisions of Rule.
Voluntary Retirement
A Government servant who has completed 20 years of Qualifying Service may retire from service voluntarily by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to the Appointing Authority and get retiring pension subject to certain conditions as prescribed in Rule.
Invalid Pension
An Invalid Pension is awarded, on his retirement from the public service, to a Government servant who by bodily or mental infirmity is permanently incapacitated for the public service, or for the particular branch of it to which he belongs.
Compulsory Retirement Pension
A Government servant compulsorily retired from service as a penalty may be granted by the authority, competent to impose such penalty pension at rate not less than two-thirds and not more than full invalid pension and special additional pension, if any, admissible to him on the date of compulsory retirement.
Compensation Pension
A Government Servant is entitled to get compensation pension owing to the abolition of his permanent post.
Compassionate Allowance
A Government Servant who is dismissed or removed from service shall forfeit his pension and gratuity. However, if the case is deserving of special consideration, a compassionate allowance can be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Rules.