Treasury Endorsement of Orders for Kerala State
- Revision of pension-payment of 3rd installment of arrears
- Kerala DR 142%- retd state judicial officers
- Kerala DR for State Government pensioners wef 01.07.2017
- Kerala State. grant of Interim Relief @30% of basic pension w.e.f.01/01/2016 to State Judicial Officers Pensioners/Family Pensioners
- Enhancement of Annual Pension of Kerala Lok Ayukta and Upa Lok Ayukta -reg.
- Grant of Dearness Relief @9% w.e.f. 01/07/2018 to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and Family Pensioners of Such Judges_reg.
- Grant of DR to the retired State Judicial Officers pensioners/family pensioners @148% w.e.f. 01/07/2018 .
- Interest on arrears of pension on Pay Revision 2014-reg
- Grant of Dearness Relief to the Retired State Judicial Officers pensioners/family pensioners at the revised rate of 154% w.e.f. 01/01/2019-reg
- Sanction of Ad-hoc bonus and special festival allowances 2017-18 -reg
- Grant of Dearness Relief to Kerala State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Scheme and those drawing DR at Central Rates, w.e.f. 01/01/2018 and 01/07/2018 at the revised scale - reg
- Standing orders for the production of yearly Life Certificate in r/o Central Govt. Pensioners who are permanently residing abroad extended to Kerala State Pensioners permanently residing abroad.
- Restoration of Commutation of pension in respect of Judicial Officers of Kerala state
- Scheme for the payment of pension of State Civil Pensioners through Public Sector Banks - Extending the Scheme to the pensioners of remaining State - Further Orders issued.
- Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Employees/state Judicial Officers- Revised w.e.f.01.07.2019
- Grant of Dearness Relief to Retired Kerala State Judicial Officers - at the Central Rates sanctioned from time to time - Standing Order reg
- Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance 2018-19 to the Kerala State Government Employees and Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
- Revision of Pension/ Family Pension to those coming under UGC Scheme - reg.
- Revision of Pension/ Family Pension to Kerala State Employees - reg
- Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief to the Employees and pensioners of Kerala State Governemnt w.e.f. 01.01.2019 to 01.07.2020 - reg
- Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance 2019-20 to the Employees and Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Kerala State Government - reg.
- Personal Staff of Chief Minister, Ministers, Leader of Opposition, Govt. Chief Whip etc - Revision of Pension and related benefits from 01.07.2019 - reg
- Political Pension to the members of the Ex-Rulers' family and servants of Tamil Nadu Government - Grant No. 38- Particulars of the beneficaries and details of disbursement- Request reg.
- Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance 2020-21 to the Employees and Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Kerala State Government.
- Grant ofrevised rate of dearness Relief to the State Judicial Officers and State Judicial Pensioners of Kerala State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2023, 01.07.2023, 01.01.2024
- Circular letter regarding Modalities to be observed and documents/certificates to be attached with the proposal for KFF Pension/Family Pension Scheme.
- Modified Order Revising Pension/Family Pension coming under UGC Scheme endorsed
- Non-eligibility for Additional Pension of spouses of Ex-MLAs.
- Kalamandalam – Orders for revision of Pension under 7th UGC.
- Kerala Kalamandalam - Revision of Pension under 11th Revision Orders endorsed
- Pension/Continuous Pension in respect of Kerala Freedom Fighters revised from existing Rs. 11000/- p.m. to Rs. 14080/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.04.2023.
- Request for Details of Central Freedom Fighter pensioners/family pensioners drawing pension in Kerala.
- Revision of pension and other pensionary benefits of Judicial Officers as Per Second NJPC recommendations.
- Revision of pension and other pensionary benefits of Judicial Officers as Per Second NJPC recommendations- Modified – orders issued.
- Grant of revised rates of Dearness Relief on pension with effect from 01.04.2024 to Kerala State service pensioners and family pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes.
- Granting of family pension through guardian on production of guardianship Certificate obtained for limited/unlimited period – reg.
- Family pension to physical disabled/mentally challenged children-applicability of Permanent UDID card.
- Dearness Relief on Pension with eflect from 10/2024 to state service pensioners and Family Pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes and in respect of State Judicial pensioners/ Family Pensioners with effect from 07 /2024.
- Grant ofrevised rate of dearness Relief to the State Judicial Officers and State Judicial Pensioners of Kerala State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2023, 01.07.2023, 01.01.2024
Ad-hoc bonus and Special festival Allowance 2023-24 to State Government Employees and Pensioners