- Kerala Freedom Fighter Pension- One thousand rupees increase
- Kerala Freedom Fighter Pension -Pension payment through Public Sector Banks
- Enhanced Family Pension- Njavakkattu
- Kerala-Family and Political Pension- Erstwhile Princely State Kings-Rs.3000/-
- Kerala Freedom Fighter Pension-Enhanced- Rs. 11000/- per month
- Paliyam kovilakam political pension 3000/-
- kerala political pension to all royal family members Rs1000 wef 10/01/2013
- kerala political pension to all royal family members Rs3000 wef 29/10/2017
- Clarification regarding enhanced family and political pension from Rs.1000/- to 3000/- to royal family members
- Payment of Pension to Members of Legislature (Amendment) Act, 2018
- The Kerala Payment of Pension to Members of Legislature (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Act 9 of 2018) – reg.
- Non-eligibility for Additional Pension of spouses of Ex-MLAs.
- Pension/Continuous Pension in respect of Kerala Freedom Fighters from existing Rs.11000/- p.m. to Rs. 14080/- w.e.f. 01.04.2023 - Order issued - reg.
- KFF Pension - Enhancement of Annual income limit for sanctioning - KFF Pension - reg.