- Introduction
- GPF Guidelines
- GPF Nomination
- GPF Dormant Accounts
Mobile Number Updation
- List of Officers of GPF group
- Final Payment Cases through ODMS
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
- Maintenance of GPF Account
GPF Manual
- GPF Information
- Missing Vouchers/G.P.F Missing Schedules
- Do's & Don'ts For GPF
This office maintains General Provident Fund (GPF) accounts of Haryana State Government employees and All India Services (AIS) Officers of Haryana Cadre. The Office facilitates various essential services, including the Allotment of GPF Account numbers to eligible Haryana State Government employees and AIS Officers of Haryana Cadre, maintenance of nomination of GPF Subscribers, timely final GPF payment to GPF Subscribers upon attaining Superannuation/ Death/ Dismissal etc., seamless access to Annual GPF Account Statements, real-time GPF Account balance enquiries, and tracking missing credits using personalized PIN numbers.
In addition to these features, the office provides monthly SMS service to keep GPF subscribers informed about the posting of credits in their GPF accounts, receiving of GPF case in Office and Authorisation of Final Payment/Return of Final Payment case thus ensuring transparency and reliability in financial transactions. Moreover, office houses a dedicated Grievance Cell committed to addressing any concerns or issues promptly, providing effective redressal mechanisms for our subscribers.