Who will restore my commuted portion of pension and when T.O. /Bank has recovered the full amount of commuted value of pension ?
Why the benefit of NPA is not being taken into account while fixing pension @ 50% of minimum pay scale + GP + NPA of the corresponding pay scale introduced w.e.f. 1-1-2006 & where Qualifying service is 33 years or more ?
Why the P.P. & S.P. has not been taken into account while working out my pension ?
Why I am not getting pension equivalent to 50% of my last pay as my service is more than 28 years and date of retirement after1-1-2006 ?
Why enhanced family pension is not being paid to me for 10 years as the Govt of Haryana has extended the period from 7 years to 10 years ?
Am I entitled for family pension widowed daughter? The death of my husband occurred after the death of my father / mother ?
Whether the family can be given the benefits of 40% commutation if a pensioner dies before exercising option?
Is any authorization for restoration of commutation portion of pension after 15 years required from Pr. A.G.’s office. ?
How does the period of 15 years for restoration of commutation portion of pension after 15 years required from Pr. A.G.’s office ?
Is the Dearness Relief payable on original basic pension or on reduced pension after commutation?
Is there any limitation commutation of pension?
Is there any ceiling on gratuities and if so what is the maximum amount admissible ?
What is the minimum and maximum pension/Family Pension ?