Status of Certification of Financial Statement during the period 2023-24 (As on 31 May 2024)

  PSUs ABs Total
Total No. of PSUs/ABs (Including Arrear)* 67 3 70
Accounts received** 5 1 6
Accounts not received*** 62 2 64
Certification completed # 1 0 1
Comments sent to Head quartes% 0 1 1
Audit/certification work in progress$ 4 0 4



** Financial statement of 04 PSU ( RSIC, RSWC for the year 2022-23 and Barmer Thermal Power Company Limited, Banswara Thermal Power Company Limited for the year 2023-24) in this month of May 2024
# Financial Statement of 01 PSU (RSRTC for thr year 2019-20) in this month of May 2024.
% Financial statement of 1 PSU ( RKVIB for the year 2022-23)
$ Audit of RSWC for the year 2022-23, RSIC for the year 2022-23, Barmer Thermal Power Company Limited, Banswara Thermal Power Company Limited for the year 2023-24
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