Indian Audit & Accounts Department
Page 1 of 8, showing 10 records out of 77 total
This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) contains significant findings of Compliance Audit of State Government Departments and State Public Sector Undertakings. This report has two parts: Part-1 includes...
Health is a vital indicator of human development and a basic ingredient of economic and social development. A robust public health infrastructure and effective management of health services are utmost important to ensure good health of citizens....
This report provides an analytical review of the finances of the Government of Rajasthan based on the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. The financial performance of the State has been assessed based on the Fiscal Responsibility and...
This report contains the results of the Performance Audit on Implementation of Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana in Rajasthan covering the period 2015-16 to 2020-21.
Overview This report provides an analytical review of the finances of the Government of Rajasthan based on the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022. The financial performance of the State has been assessed based on the Fiscal...
Article 41 of the Constitution of India mandates the State to make effective provisions for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance for people affected by disability. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 ...
This Report contains observation on Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and includes three chapters. Chapter-I includes ‘An overview of the Functioning, Accountability Mechanism and Financial Reporting Issues of Panchayati Raj...
This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) contains significant findings of Performance Audit on “Illegal Mining in Rajasthan” of Mines and Geology Department of State Government.
This Report relates to Audit of receipts and expenditure of the Urban Local Bodies in Rajasthan includes audit findings in two chapters. Chapter-I includes ‘Overview of the functioning, accountability mechanism and financial reporting issues...