Position of discussion of Audit reports by PAC

The discussion of Audit paras by PAC on the Audit Reports on Revenue sector - Govt. of Kerala is due from the year ended 31st March 2013 (placed on the table of the House on 17 July 2014) up to the Audit Report for the year ended 31st March 2022 (placed on the table of the House on 14 September 2023) as shown on the table above.

In total, 117 Audit paragraphs are pending for discussion by the Committee on Public Accounts which includes Performance and Compliance Audit paras also.

Position of discussion of Audit reports by COPU

Out of the 45 paragraphs included in the Audit Reports from 2015-16 to 2018-19, the CoPU discussed 29 paragraphs and the remaining 16 Audit paras are due for discussion.

Compliance Audit Report for the year ended March 2021 (Report No: 2 of the year 2022) was presented to the legislature on 28 June 2022. One paragraph related to PSUs under Agriculture Department (Para 2.2) appeared in this Report is to be discussed by CoPU.

Performance Audit Report for the year ended March 2021 (Report No: 5 of the year 2022) was presented to Legislature on 13/12/2022. The Report, contains the result of the Performance Audit on "Performance of Kerala State Electricity Board Limited during pre and post Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana" covering the period 2015-16 to 2020-21. This Report is to be discussed by CoPU.

Composite Compliance Audit Report for the period 2019-21 (Report No: 8 of the year 2022) was presented to Legislature on 14 September 2023. The Report Contains five paragraphs related to PSUs. This Report is to be discussed by CoPU.

Compliance Audit Report for the year ended March 2022 (Report No: 3 of the year 2023) was presented to Legislature on 15 February 2024. The Report Contains three paragraphs related to PSUs out of which one Paragraph is pending for discussion by CoPU.

Report of The C&AG of India on General Purpose Financial Report of Public Sector Undertakings for the year ended 31 March 2022 (Report No. 1 of the year 2024) was presented to Legislature on 11 July 2024. The Report Contains two paragraphs related to PSUs. This Report is to be discussed by CoPU. RepCoPU/7-5/ReturnstoITCell I/697782/2024 Compliance Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2022 (Report No. 2 of the year 2024) was presented to Legislature on 11 July 2024. The Report Contains Seven paragraphs related to PSUs. This Report is to be discussed by CoPU.

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