• Committee on Public Accounts (PAC) (2023-26)

Constituted on 07.12.2023.

Chairman: Shri Sunny Joseph


  1. Shri Manjalamkuzhi Ali
  2. Dr. K. T. Jaleel
  3. Shri. C. H. Kunjambu
  4. Shri. Mathew T. Thomas
  5. Shri. M. Rajagopalan
  6. Shri. M. V. Govindan Master
  7. Shri. Sunny Joseph
  8. Shri. P. S. Supal
  9. Shri. M. Vincent
  10. Shri. Thomas K. Thomas
  11. Shri. K. N. Unnikrishnan
  • Committee on Public Undertakings(COPU)

Rules of procedure and conduct of Business in the Kerala Legislature Assembly provide for the constitution of Committee on Public Accounts consisting of eleven members who are elected by the Assembly for a period of thirty months from among its members. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from among the members of the Committee. A Minister is not eligible to be a member of the Committee.

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