Section Nature of work
HQ I/A Preparation of Annual Audit Plan, submitting MIS to Coordination section, Preparation of technical circulars, Vetting of exposure drafts and other material received from HQrs, management of AMG-II group and its field audit parties and Communication with Field parties etc. Submission of periodical returns to various sections/Government Departments, arranging periodical in house training programmes for the Group, etc.
HQ I/B Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Departments, Directorates, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under three clusters i.e ‘Culture & Tourism’, ‘IT & Communication’ and ‘Transport’.
HQ II/A Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Directorates, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under the cluster ‘Industry & Commerce’.
HQ II/B Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs /Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Department, Directorates, Statutory Corporation, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under the cluster ‘Industry & Commerce’.
Report (AMG-II) Vetting of DPs and reviews and finalisation of PSU and other cluster Audit Reports till placing before State Legislature.
DP/COPU Processing of PDPs and vetting of Statement of Action Taken reports submitted by Government Departments and assisting the CoPU in the discussion on Audit Report Paras & Action Taken Reports.
RAO/ECA Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of Power Department, KSEB Ltd and its units, Chief Electrical Inspectorate, PSUs, Autonomous Bodies and Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission under the cluster ‘Energy & Power’.
RAO/TA Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs in respect of KSRTC units, Department of Transport, Motor Vehicles Department & its units and issue of SAR on accounts of Kerala State Road Transport Corporation under the Cluster ‘Transport’.
MVT Vetting,processing, issue and follow up of IRs in respect of institutions like RTOs, SRTOs, under Motor Vehicle Department, Government of Kerala

Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs /Comments on accounts in respect of institutions that are recognised as Autonomous under various Departments of Government of Kerala

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