Audit Management Group-II
Section | Nature of work |
HQ I/A | Preparation of Annual Audit Plan, submitting MIS to Coordination section, Preparation of technical circulars, Vetting of exposure drafts and other material received from HQrs, management of AMG-II group and its field audit parties and Communication with Field parties etc. Submission of periodical returns to various sections/Government Departments, arranging periodical in house training programmes for the Group, etc. |
HQ I/B | Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Departments, Directorates, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under three clusters i.e ‘Culture & Tourism’, ‘IT & Communication’ and ‘Transport’. |
HQ II/A | Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Directorates, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under the cluster ‘Industry & Commerce’. |
HQ II/B | Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs /Comments on accounts in respect of institutions like Govt. Department, Directorates, Statutory Corporation, Govt. Companies, and Autonomous Bodies under the cluster ‘Industry & Commerce’. |
Report (AMG-II) | Vetting of DPs and reviews and finalisation of PSU and other cluster Audit Reports till placing before State Legislature. |
DP/COPU | Processing of PDPs and vetting of Statement of Action Taken reports submitted by Government Departments and assisting the CoPU in the discussion on Audit Report Paras & Action Taken Reports. |
RAO/ECA | Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs / Comments on accounts in respect of Power Department, KSEB Ltd and its units, Chief Electrical Inspectorate, PSUs, Autonomous Bodies and Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission under the cluster ‘Energy & Power’. |
RAO/TA | Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs in respect of KSRTC units, Department of Transport, Motor Vehicles Department & its units and issue of SAR on accounts of Kerala State Road Transport Corporation under the Cluster ‘Transport’. |
MVT | Vetting,processing, issue and follow up of IRs in respect of institutions like RTOs, SRTOs, under Motor Vehicle Department, Government of Kerala |
AB |
Vetting, processing, issue and follow up of IRs /Comments on accounts in respect of institutions that are recognised as Autonomous under various Departments of Government of Kerala |