Title Date Document/Link
Filling up of vacancy on deputation basis in the cadre of Welfare Assstant in the office of the Pr. A.G.(A&E), Odisha , Bhubaneswar 06-Jul-2022 PDF (0.06 MB)
GPF e-Statement for the Financial Year 2021-22 03-Jul-2022 PDF (0.04 MB)
Notice for the information to the GPF subscribers whose subscription is more than Rs. 5,00,000/-. 30-Jun-2022 PDF (0.06 MB)
Filling up of vacancies on deputation basis in the grade of Sr. Accounts Officer. 28-Jun-2022 PDF (0.34 MB)
Notice regarding fake appointment letter 27-Apr-2022 PDF (0.01 MB)
Notice for the information of all pensioners/family pensioners of Indian Audit & Accounts Department. 21-Apr-2022 PDF (0.22 MB)
Meeting on Redressal of Greievances 07-Mar-2022 PDF (0.03 MB)
"Pension Adalat 2022" (For the attention of the pensioners/family pensioners who are authorised pension/family pension through the Pay & Accounts Office, Odisha, Bhubaneswar) (PAO Code -063171) 02-Mar-2022 PDF (0.04 MB)
Notice regarding re-opening of Grievance Redressal Cell for visitors 02-Mar-2022 PDF (0.00 MB)
Appointment of Welfare Officer in O/o the A.G.(A&E), Odisha, Bhubaneswar on deputation basis. 23-Feb-2022 PDF (0.06 MB)