GPF Rules and Provisions
- Eligibility to join the Fund
- GPF Subscription
- Allotment of GPF Account No
- GPF Advance
- GPF Withdrawal
- GPF Final Payment
- GPF Annual Accounts Statement
- GPF Nomination
- GPF Ledger Card
- GPF FP Authority
Rates of Interest
- GPF Calculation
- Adjustment of Missing Debit
- Forwarding of Application
- Checklists for GPF Final Payment Cases
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
The Provident Fund money at the credit of the subscriber becomes payable when Government servant retires or on his application when he proceeds on leave preparatory to retirement or when he is dismissed/retrenched from service or when he resigns service or when he dies.
The Provident Fund money at the credit of the subscriber becomes payable on the fulfilment of the provisions of Rule 29, 30 and 31 of the General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules.
In case of retirement, a subscriber has to apply for final payment of Provident Fund money through Form 10-A prescribed by the Government. In case of death of a subscriber, beneficiary (beneficiaries) i.e. [Member(s) of family/dependant(s)/nominee(s)] has to apply for final payment of P.F. money in Form 10-B alongwith the certificate of death.
It is better to apply for final Payment of P.F. money within two months from the date of retirement/death of the subscriber to avoid any loss of interest on the accumulated Fund money due to delayed submission of claim application.
Care should be taken to ensure that all the requisite information, statutory certificates as sought for in the claim application (Form 10-A & 10-B) has been furnished by the D.D.O.
For speedy disposal of Final Payment of G.P.F. balance consequent on the retirement of subscribers, all Heads of Offices are required to prepare a list, on 1st January every year, of employees who are going to retire within next 12 months and send one copy of the list to the Sr. Accounts Officer, Fund Miscellaneous Section, Office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E). West Bengal, 8, KiranSankar Roy Road, G.I. Press Building, Kolkata-700001. The Provident Fund Account number should be given therein, as far as possible so that Accounts Officer should initiate action for keeping the cases ready for payment soon after the receipt of formal claim application from the subscriber.
Consequent on receipt of claim application (Form 10-A & Form 10-B) the G.P.F. account of the subscriber is scrutinized by the office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, generally as a whole, and in particulars, all the entries of debits, credits and interest made in the last 5 years before the year in which the payment is to be made, is carefully checked.
After verification in the manner indicated above, the account is brought up-to-date allowing interest upto the end of the month preceding that in which the payment is made or upto the end of the sixth month after the month in which such amount became payable whichever of these periods be less under Rule 14(4) of the General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules and the amount is paid to the subscriber, if alive.
Where the subscriber is not alive and a valid nomination subsists in favour of member(s) of Family, the payment should be made to the nominee or nominees.
Where the subscriber is not alive and no valid nomination also subsists, payment should be made to the members of the family, if the subscriber leaves behind a Family, or to the other claimants (usually dependant(s) who may be eligible to receive payment, if the subscriber leaves behind no Family, in equal share under Rule 31(i) (b) of the General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules and Section 3(2) of Provident Fund Act, 1925. Provided that no share shall be payable to (1) Sons who have attained legal majority. (2) Married daughters whose husbands are alive. (3) Sons of a deceased son who have attained legal majority. (4) Married daughter of a deceased son whose husband are alive etc.
When the subscriber leaves no family and there is a nomination in favour of person who is also not dependant, payment should be made to the nominee if the amount does not exceed Rs:- 5000/-. If the amount exceeds Rs:- 5000/- the payment should be made to such nominee producing Succession certificate, letters of administration, probate as the case may be [vide section 4(i)(b) and 4(i)(c)(i) of P.F. Act, 1925.]
These instructions should not be treated as exhaustive and Drawing and Disbursing Officer should make themselves familiar with the General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules for the correct maintenance of the accounts.