HOD (Direct Charge)


Sl. No. Section Function
1 Sectt. to PAG 

Maintenance of complete Database in respect of APARs of SAOs. Issuance of APARs of SAOs through SPARROW. Custody of Panel files related to promotion. Monitoring of complaints received through CPGRAMS and send to concerning section for taking necessary action and upload the reply on CPGRAMS portal. Onward transmission of e-mail to concerning officers received on office mail address. Monitoring of disposal of letters and movement of files. 

2 Report -I & II Report-I and Report-II sections engage in vetting and forwarding of Audit Report
material viz PA, CA and Draft paragraphs to Headquarter & State Government and
printing of Audit Report and its submission to Honourable Governor of GoMP and
Finance Department of GoMP
3. Report PAC Report PAC section engage in work related to work of Audit para discussion and
vetting of recommended Reports and action taken report received from Madhya
Pradesh Vidhan Sabha.
4. Audit Planning & Data Analytical Cell    
  • The main function of Audit Planning and Data Analytical Cell (APDAC) is to prepare the consolidated Annual Audit Plan of the office and send it to CAG Office for approval. Also Conducting meeting of Audit Planning Group (APG) and State Audit Advisory Board (SAAB).
  • To prepare various Monthly, Quarterly, half yearly and Yearly returns in scheduled time frame after getting information from all the groups and send it to CAG Office. (such as- Quarterly Progress Report, Quarterly Report on issue of IRs, Media Report, Group officer Supervision, Minutes of Meeting of Group officers with field parties, Complaints, Important and Instructing cases noticed during audit, Report on cases of material fraud and corruption noticed during audit, Report on Performance Assessment of Office.)
  • The Data Analytical wing of APDAC, analyses the data received from internal and external sources. Further a consolidated database Department-wise, Grant-wise, Scheme-wise, and DDO-wise data is prepared by this wing and sent to all AMGs which is used in preparation of Annual Audit Plane and for selection of topics for Performance Audit and Compliance Audit.
  • Suggestion are obtained from Principal Secretaries/ Additional Chief Secretaries of all the state government departments for subjects on which Performance Audit/Compliance Audit/IT Audit can be conducted in the ensuring financial year.
  • APDAC sends monthly status report of All India Performance Audit, Performance Audit and Compliance Audit to CAG Office and also the statistical sampling of Performance Audit / Compliance Audit to CAG Office for approval of Statistical Advisor.
5. Internal Test Audit (ITA)  


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