Audit Management Group-I (Audit Sector)
Group Officer-in-Charge (Additional) : Shri Sathish M, Deputy Accountant General
AMG-I (Audit Sector)
There are 2 sections in AMG-I (AS):
A. Headquarter-I &
B. Headquarter-II
- Headquarter-I –
Branch Officer: Shri Utpal Kumar Ghosh, Sr. Audit Officer
Telephone No. (033)-2358-6886/92(Extn-206)
HQ-I has 2 subsections:-
- Coordination Branch
The functions of the Coordination Branch are as follows: -
- Coordination Branch is designated as the Headquarters/ Controlling Branch of AMG-I group as the same controls the manpower within AMG-I group on behalf of Group Officer.
- Any deployment/redeployment of manpower both within the AMG-I group is made by this branch including management of leave/training reserve.
- Maintenance of attendance of Field Audit Staff temporarily present at Headquarters.
- Assist the Group Officer in preparation, execution and monitoring (including related correspondence) of Annual Audit Plan and Quarterly Audit Programmes through necessary and periodic risk assessment of audit universe.
- Maintenance of Complaints (received against staff of AMG-I Group).
- Scheduling of audit units on priority basis for investigation/ re-audit /special audit, etc.
- Assessing of training needs of the group on continuous basis and coordination between Administration wings regarding nomination, scheduling and management of training programmes including faculty support.
- Convening of Quarterly Meetings.
- Capturing, reporting and forwarding of leave related matters (of all AMG-I field staff & staff posted within the branch), attendance, audit tour related returns (wherever applicable), training feedback etc. to Administration.
- Preparation of Performance Assessment Report every year.
- Monthly evaluation of attendance of field audit parties.
- Maintenance & Operation of Management Information Systems (in vogue) relating to functions of the Branch.
- Digitization of records identified and handled by the Branch.
- Periodic assessment of records being handled by the Branch against the prescribed retention period and preparation of consolidated list of records which may be disposed of / weeded out.
- Any other function/responsibility as delegated by the Group Officer or HoD.
- Inspection Report Branch
The function of IR branch is to do the following in respect of Food & Supplies, Food Processing Industries and horticulture Department, Fisheries Department and Consumer Affairs Department.
- Monitoring the receipt and issue of Inspection Reports
- Receipt, Recording, Verification and Transmission of Draft Inspection Report.
- Timely Receipt, Recording and Issue of the approved Inspection Report.
- Maintenance & analysis of newspaper/press clippings.
- Maintenance of relevant internal control documents - Objection Book, Control Register, Adjustment Register and other returns.
- Leave related matters of staff posted in Branch
- Processing of Broadsheet replies.
- Assist the Group Officer to monitor the progress of the Inspection Reports after issue and correspond with the audit entities to furnish the Broadsheet replies (if not received within prescribed time).
- Coordinate with the Audit Entities/Department(s) to convene Audit Committee Meetings /Bi-Lateral Meetings.
- Processing of Right to Information (RTI) queries
- Any correspondence with the State Government as required.
- Vetting of draft Inspection Reports either in paper form or in digitized medium for approval of the Group Officer within the prescribed time manual viz. IR needs to be issued within 30 days of the date of completion of audit.
- Incorporation of changes, if any, to the draft Inspection Report proposed by the Group Officer.
- Evaluation of the Field Audit Party and putting up to the Group Officer for approval. Evaluation of IR (Grading of IR).
- Headquarter-II –
Branch Officer: Shri Debasis Chatterjee, Sr. Audit Officer
Telephone No. (033)-2358-6886/92(Extn-207)
HQ-II has 2 subsections:-
1.Inspection Report Branch :-The function of IR branch is to do the following in respect of Agriculture, Agriculture Marketing, Animal Resource Department and Co-operation Department.
- Accounts (commercial Branch)
AMG-I/IR/Accounts (Including Vetting Cell) |