Audit Management Group-IV
Group Officer-in-Charge (Additional) : Shri Shishir Kumar Srivastava, Deputy Accountant General
The Wing comprises the following sections: -
Headquarters’ Section.
Resident Audit Party, State Power Utilities, Kolkata (RAP/SPU).
Resident Audit Office, Calcutta State Transport Corporation, Kolkata (RAO/CSTC)
Peripatetic Audit Parties (PAP).
Administration and co-ordination work of the AMG- IV Wing as a whole, matters relating to Officers/staff of AMG- IV Wing, preparation of programmes of field parties and inspecting officers and all matters relating to government companies/statutory corporations/ Autonomous Body etc.
Implementation and monitoring of Annual Audit Plan of the AMG- IV Wing.
Preparation of tour programme for approval of the Sr. DAG (AMG- IV)/ DAG (AMG- IV) particularly for peripatetic audit parties and Inspecting Officers based on approved Annual Audit Plan.
Issuance of intimation letters to the auditee units to be visited by the audit parties with the instruction to supply the records and information as may be required by the parties for conducting the audit.
Editing and issuing of the Inspection Reports relating to all government companies/statutory corporations/ Autonomous Body under its jurisdictions as submitted by the field parties
Watching the compliance and pursuance of Inspection Reports until all paragraphs of the Inspection Reports are fully settled and the reports closed.
Maintenance of Objection Book, Progress Register, Outstanding Paragraphs Register, IR Progress Control Register, IR Selection Register, Accounts Selection Register, Calendar of Returns, Casual leave register and Inward and Outward Letter Registers
Maintenance of Register of Important Points (RIP) and Register of Press Clipping (RPC) and recording of results of the audit in the RIP/RPC. Checking of T.A. bills of members of Audit parties including Supervising Officers with reference to tour diaries and programmes, revised programmes and casual leave register.
Scrutiny of draft separate audit report in respect of corporations (i.e. Calcutta State Transport Corporation, North Bengal State Transport Corporation and South Bengal State Transport Corporation), Autonomous Bodies (WEBREDA) and Regulatory Authority (West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission) submitted by PAPs for finalisation and onward transmission to Head Quarters for approval.
Issue of approved Separate Audit Reports (SARs) to the Government as well as to the Management for laying the same before the Legislative Assembly.
Maintaining a liaison with the Legislative Assembly regarding dates of laying of SARs.
Scrutinize Agenda Papers and Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Government Companies and Statutory Corporation and also the outcome of checking of audit team noted in the Board Minutes Register for necessary follow up.
Recovery of Audit Fee from body/ institution where CAG is the sole Auditor (viz. Calcutta State Transport Corporation, South Bengal State Transport Corporation, North Bengal State Transport Corporation, West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission and Autonomous Bodies.