FAQs for Desk Officers at the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Headquarters

How can a desk officer work on a document offline and upload the final version later?
What action option should be used to send a product to the Director General (DG) or Principal Director (PD)?
What options should be used after a product has been approved by the competent authority at CAG Headquarters?
How should a situation be addressed where a product received from a field office linked KDs is not opening?
Where can the action options in the ADM task be found?
How can it be ensured that DG/PD knows about changes made at CAG Headquarters, considering there's no history available for changes made in the ADM question box?
Once an ADM task is approved by the competent authority, where does it go, and how can its final approved status be verified?
How can the current status of a task worked on be checked?
How can an Audit Product that is not in My Work be checked?

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