हमारे बारे में
The Accountant General (Audit I), Kerala is the Head of the Department. Group Officers reporting to her are Deputy Accountant General (Administration), Senior Deputy Accountant General (AMG II), Deputy Accountant General (AMG III), Senior Deputy Accountant General (AMG I) and Welfare Officer. Senior Audit Officers as Branch Officers report to the respective Group Officers. Assistant Audit Officers and Supervisors as Section Heads report to Senior Audit Officers. Assistant Supervisor, Senior Auditors, Auditors, Clerk-Typists, Data Entry Operators and Multi-Tasking Staff report to Assistant Audit Officers/ Supervisors. As different lines, Senior Hindi Translators and Hindi Translators report to Hindi Officer, who is supervised by Senior Audit Officer in charge of Official Language; and Stenographer Grade II, Stenographer Grade I, Private Secretary and Senior Private Secretary report to Group Officers concerned/ the Head of the Department as personal staff.