Title | Date | Document/Link |
Auction Notice | 30-Oct-2024 | PDF (0.13 MB) |
SOP for providing legal assistance and logistics support to retired officials of IA&AD for appearance in Court. | 13-Aug-2024 | PDF (0.91 MB) |
ANNUAL-FOREST-REPORT-BOOK-2022-23 | 29-Jul-2024 | PDF (1.62 MB) |
Office Order of Sexual harassment of working women in the workplace | 15-Apr-2024 | PDF (0.07 MB) |
Pension Adalat 2023 | 20-Sep-2023 | PDF (0.58 MB) |
Extension of Bid Submission date for RFP on Change Management in VLC Software. | 31-Aug-2023 | PDF (0.46 MB) |
Notice inviting tender for modification in the existing VLC software | 31-Jul-2023 | PDF (1.11 MB) |
Notice inviting tender for printing of books of Annual Accounts for the year 2021-22. | 17-May-2022 | PDF (1.29 MB) |
Change in time of exam | 27-Apr-2022 | PDF (0.36 MB) |
Notice inviting Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and its Peripherals. | 18-Apr-2022 | PDF (8.35 MB) |
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