About Pension
In exercise of the powers conferred by the Constitution of India and in terms of the MCS (Pension) Rules 1982, the Office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E)-II Maharashtra Nagpur, discharges its duty of scrutiny and authorization of the entitlement of pension and retirement benefits to a State Government employee serving in the audit jurisdiction of this office. All pension related entitlement matters/retirement benefits of a State Government employee are referred to the AG by the pension sanctioning authorities of the State government after sanction. These are scrutinized by this office in accordance with the Rules and Orders issued by the State government from time to time and authorized by issue of Authorities.
About GPF
The Office of the Principal Accountant General (A &E ) II Maharashtra, Nagpur is maintaining GPF accounts of around 51 Thousand employees pertaining to Vidarbha and Marathwada regions of Maharashtra. The GPF Account Number comprising of GPF Series and unique GPF Account Number is allotted to each GPF subscriber. The GPF series comprises department code followed by Region code e.g. GABN, MBN, PHBN, JBN i.e. GA- General Administration, M-Medical, PH- Public Health, J- Jail etc. Here ‘BN’ code is suffixed for all GPF series allotted for Government servants working in Vidarbha and Marathwada regions of Maharashtra.
About Accounts
The A&E office receives vouchers and schedules from all treasuries of Vidarbha and Marathwada and compiled cash account of Public works and Forest Divisions. Vouchers and schedules are retained in DC sections for verification. Cash Accounts are retained in...