Page 8 of 10, showing 10 records out of 99 total
As on 31 March 2015, the State had 72 Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) with an investment of Rs. 1,21,743.21 crore. Out of 65 working PSUs, 41 earned profit of 1,979.79 crore and 20 PSUs incurred a loss of Rs. 16,833.24 crore. The Performance ...
The Audit Report on State Finances for the year 2014-15 relating to Tamil Nadu containing three Chapters provides an analytical review of the Annual Accounts of the State Government. Chapter I is based on the audit of Finance Accounts and makes an...
Based on the audited accounts of the Government of Tamil Nadu for the year ending March 2013, this Report provides an analytical review of the Annual Accounts of the State Government. The financial performance of the State has been assessed with...
This Report on the audit of expenditure incurred by the Government of Tamil Nadu has been prepared for submission to the Governor of Tamil Nadu under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. The Report covers significant matters arising out of the...
This Report has been prepared for submission to the Governor under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. The Report starts with an Introductory Chapter outlining the audit scope, mandate and the key audit findings which emerged during the...
The Report contains 18 paragraphs including two Performance Audits relating to non/short levy of taxes, royalty, interest, penalty, etc., involving RS 171.25 crore. The total revenue receipts of the State during 2012-13 were RS 98,827.70 crore,...
Audit of Government Companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government Companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by die CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by the ...