Page 5 of 7, showing 10 records out of 67 total
The State Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), consisting of State government companies and Statutory corporations, are established to carry out activities of commercial nature, while keeping in view the welfare of the people. In Andhra Pradesh, the...
The report contains 26 paragraphs and involving Rs. 1,351.74 crore relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty, etc., and a performance audit on functioning of Registration and Stamps department including Information Technology (IT) audit ...
Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest States of India with a population of 8.46 crore and a geographical area of 2,74,400 sq.kms. For purpose of Administration there are 33 Departments at the Secretariat level headed by Principal...
Performance Audit was conducted on the functioning of Directorate of Mines and Geology in Andhra Pradesh to ascertain whether the systems and procedures for approval/renewal of mineral concessions were as per the prescribed rules/regulations and...
This Report of the CAG relates to matters arising from performance audit of selected programmes and departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh, compliance audit of transactions of its various departments, Central and State plan schemes and audit of ...
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)was enacted in September 2005, and implemented in a phased manner between February 2006 and April 2008 in all rural districts of the country. The Act aims at enhanced livelihood...
The State Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), consisting of State Government Companies and Statutory Corporations, are established to carry out activities of a commercial nature, while keeping in view the welfare of the people. Audit of Government...
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)'s audit arrangements in respect of the Government of Andhra Pradesh were restructured with effect from April 2012 with the aim of integrating audit efforts and presenting a sectoral perspective....
The Report contains 33 paragraphs involving Rs.195.31 crore relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty etc., and two Performance Audits on (i) 'VAT Audits and Refunds', involving Rs.49.39 crore, and (ii) 'Disaster preparedness', thus...
This Audit Report covers the results of audit of the Government Departments in the Economic Sector, including autonomous bodies, as appropriate, but excluding findings in respect of State Public Sector Undertakings, which are reported separately...