1. Procedure of Filing of Application

A person, who desires to obtain any information under this Act shall make a request to the Public Information Officer concerned in writing or through electronic means in English, Hindi or in Malayalam accompanying such fee as mentioned in para 3 below.

2. Format of the Application Form

There is no specific Application Form. The Applicant should clearly mention his/her Name & Address for correspondence, Telephone No. (Optional) and specific information which he/she wants if practicable with No. & Date etc.

3. Fee

Fee may be made in cash against proper receipt or by Banker’s Cheque/ Bank Draft/ Indian Postal Order in favour of the Pay and Accounts Officer, Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram - 695001.

Quantum of Fee: - A request for obtaining information under Sub-Section (1) of Section 6 shall be accompanied by an application fee of Rupees Ten (Rs. 10/-) as mentioned above.For providing the information under sub-section (1) of Section 7, the fee shall be charged at the following rates :-

  • Rupees two for each page created or copied (A-4 or A-3 size paper)
  • actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
  • actual cost or price for samples or models and
  • for inspection of records, no fee for the first hour, and a fee of rupees five for each subsequent hours.

4. Arrangement of Receipt for RTI Application & Fee

Arrangement for receipt of Application & Fee has been made at the Reception Counter of the respective Public Information Officers of the two offices. The applicant can also remit the requisite fee as per the above Procedure.

5. Appeals and Appellate Authorities etc, If any

Appeals against the decision of Public Information Officer can be made before the Appellate Authority i.e. the Head of Department namely Accountant General (Audit I), AG'S Post Office, Thiruvananthapuram, 695 001

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