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This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services comprises of nine Chapters.
Chapter I – Introduction
Chapter II - This chapter contains audit findings on availability of human resources against sanctioned strength, availability of staff in various posts under DHS, availability of human resources under DME and AYUSH, availability of Accredited Social Health Activists and shortage of manpower affecting service delivery.
Chapter III - This chapter includes audit findings on health care services like out-patient department services, in-patient department services, availability of line and support services in DHs, emergency services, emergency response and health system preparedness package, operation theatre services, intensive care unit services, maternity services, auxiliary and support services and diagnostic services.
Chapter IV - This chapter comprises audit findings on availability of drugs, medicines, equipment and other consumables including procurement of drugs, quality control, deficiency in inventory control and improper storage of medicines, compliance on stipulations on prescriptions, deficiencies in IT management of DDMS, and procurement and supply of medical equipment.
Chapter V - This chapter presents audit findings on healthcare infrastructure like inadequate availability of CHCs, PHCs and SCs vis-à-vis prescribed norms, availability of beds in health institutions, AYUSH health and wellness centres, status of new construction and upgradation works, non-creation/ non-utilisation of infrastructure in test-checked health institutions, general appearance and upkeep and establishment of Medical Colleges.
Chapter VI - This chapter covers planning and financial assessment, financial position and management, expenditure on health sector by the State vis-à-vis national health policy norms, revenue and capital allocation and expenditure, budget allocation and expenditure on important components under national health mission, inadequacy of funds for purchase of drugs, delay in release of funds to implementing agencies, monitoring of funds across entities related to health and irregular retention of funds.
Chapter VII - This chapter presents audit findings on implementation of centrally sponsored schemes like National Urban Health Mission, Kayakalp Programme, National Quality Assurance Programme, National TB Control Programme, National Mental Health Programme, Janani Suraksha Yojana, Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram and financial position of other central schemes.
Chapter VIII - This chapter comprises audit findings on adequacy and effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms including implementation of the Clinical Establishments Act and Rules in the state, Drugs Controller of the State, Bio-Medical Waste Management and unauthorized operation of radiographic equipment.
Chapter IX - This chapter presents observations on Sustainable Development Goal-3 including institutional framework, formulation of State Indicator Framework and District Indicator Framework, planning for achievement of targets under SDG-3 and performance of the State under SDG-3.