
Report No. 2 of the year 2024 - Compliance Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2022

Date on which Report Tabled:
Thu 11 Jul, 2024
Date of sending the report to Government:
Fri 05 Jul, 2024
Government Type:
Sector Industry and Commerce


Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India - ‘Compliance Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2022’

This Report has been divided into two parts and contains the significant results of the compliance audits of the State Government Departments and State Public Sector Undertakings under the Departments of Industries and Commerce, Power, Cultural Affairs,  Forest and Wildlife and Public Works.

Part I: This Part deals with the Compliance Audit observations of State Government Departments and discusses the issues regarding implementation of preventive and mitigative measures in respect of Human Wildlife Conflict, construction and maintenance activities by the buildings wing of Public Works Department, irregularities in contract works of Public Works Department, mining activities in Kerala, idling of assets by the Directorate of Archaeology, undue benefit to contractors by the Directorate of Museums and Zoos and wasteful expenditure by the Directorate of Coir Development.

Part II: This Part deals with the Compliance Audit observations of State Public Sector Undertakings and discusses operational performance of Traco Cable Company Limited, execution of works by Steel Industrials Kerala Limited, extra expenditure on procurement of raw cashew nut by The Kerala Cashew Development Corporation Limited, and irregular sanction of mobilisation advance and non-recovery of risk and cost liability by Kerala State Construction Corporation Limited. Besides, three Paragraphs on Kerala State Electricity Board Limited on non-release of funds to the Master Trust, implementation of pay revision without Government’s approval and non-inclusion of price variation clause in purchase order are also discussed in this Part.

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