Page 220 of 237, showing 10 records out of 2,364 total
Recognising the importance accorded by the Planning Commission, Government of India, for a district-centric approach to devolution of finances for an integrated local area development, a district centric audit of West Tripura district was carried...
This Report contains 28 audit paragraphs and four performance reviews. There is a separate chapter on Integrated Audit of the Human Resources Development Department. According to the existing arrangements, copies of the draft audit paragraphs and...
This Report contains 26 audit paragraphs (including five general paragraphs), six performance reviews and one Integrated Audit of Fisheries Department. The draft audit paragraphs and draft performance reviews were sent to the Secretary of the...
In May 2003, Government of Punjab enacted the Punjab Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 to ensure long-term financial stability by achieving revenue surplus, containing fiscal deficit and prudential debt management. Subsequently,...
This report contains 50 paragraphs including two reviews relating to non/short levy of taxes, duties, interest and penalty etc., involving Rs. 218.15 crore. The total receipts of the State Government for the year 2008-09 were Rs. 20,712.79 crore....
Audit of Government companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by CAG....
This Report includes two chapters comprising two performance audit and thirteen paragraphs dealing with the results of performance audit of the selected schemes/programmes as well as audit of the financial transactions of the Government and...
The Comptroller and Auditor General's Audit Reports in the past included comments upon the Union Territory's finances. Since these comments formed part of the Audit Reports, it was felt that the audit findings on the Union Territory finances...
This Audit Report includes five chapters comprising six performance audit reviews and 12 transaction audit paragraphs relating to the Union Territory Government and its Companies. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing...
In June 2005, Orissa Government responded to the Twelfth Finance Commission's recommendation by legislating its "Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Management Act (FRBM)." It sets out a reform agenda through fiscal correction path in the medium term ...