Page 119 of 121, showing 10 records out of 1,206 total
The Report contains 41 paragraphs involving Rs. 477.58 crore and three performance audits on (i) Taxation of works contracts under the APVAT Act, involving Rs. 35.23 crore, (ii) Cross verification of declaration forms used in inter state trade,...
CHAPTER V STAMP DUTY AND REGISTRATION FEES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Appreciable As indicated at para 1.1.2 of Chapter-I, in 2010-11 increase in tax the collection of stamp duty and registration fees collection increased by 45.29 per cent over the previous ...
The Report contains 46 paragraphs involving Rs. 191.59 crore and a performance audit review on "Interest Receipts on loans sanctioned by the State Government involving revenue implications of Rs. 976.82 crore. relating to non/short levy of tax,...
d CHAPTER II SALES TAX/VAT 2.1 Tax administration The Commercial Taxes Department is under the purview of Principal Secretary to Revenue Department at the Government level. The Department is mainly responsible for collection of taxes and...
Audit of Government Companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government Companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by the CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by the ...
Chapter II 2. Performance Reviews relating to Government Companies 2.1 Power Distribution Companies in Andhra Pradesh Executive Summary The power distribution in Andhra envisaged benefits amounting to Pradesh is carried out by four Power r 147.71...
The Report contains 58 paragraphs including two reviews relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty etc., involving Rs. 628.76 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned in the following paragraphs: The total revenue...
CHAPTER III LAND REVENUE 3.1 Results of audit Test check of the records of land revenue offices conducted during the year 2008-09 indicated underassessment, non/short levy of revenue and other deficiencies amounting to Rs. 110.50 crore in 53 cases...
[ OVERVIEW The Report contains 58 paragraphs including two reviews relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty etc., involving Rs. 628.76 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned in the following paragraphs: I. GENERAL • The...
CHAPTER I GENERAL 1.1 Trend of revenue receipts 1.1.1 The tax and non-tax revenue raised by the Government of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2008-09, the State's share of divisible Union taxes and grants-in-aid received from the Government of India ...
CHAPTER II | SALES TAX 2.1 Results of audit Test check of the assessment files, refund records and other connected documents of the Commercial Taxes Department conducted during 2008-09 indicated underassessments and other deficiencies of sales tax...
f CHAPTER IV TAXES ON VEHICLES 4.1 Results of audit Test check of the records of the offices of the Transport Department conducted during the year 2008-09 indicated non/short levy of taxes and loss of revenue amounting to Rs. 80.81 crore in 242...
CHAPTER VI OTHER TAX AND NON TAX RECEIPTS 6.1 Results of audit Test check of the records of the following departments conducted during the year 2008-09 revealed underassessments and loss of revenue amounting to Rs. 369.66 crore in 188 cases as...
Overview of Government companies and Statutory corporations Audit of Government companies is governed by deficiencies in Section 619 of the Companies Act. 1956. The yearsaccounts of Government companies are audited by PSUsStatutory Auditors...
Chapter - II Performance audit relating to Government Companies Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 2.1 Operational performance of Kothagudem Thermal Power Station Executive Summary Kothagudem Thermal Power Station (KIPS) Inputs...
This Report includes three Chapters comprising five reviews and eighteen paragraphs dealing with the results of performance audit of selected schemes/programmes, integrated audit of a Government department as well as audit of the financial...
r-\ CHAPTER III INTEGRATED AUDIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT 3.1 Integrated Audit of Finance Department Highlights Finance Department is mainly responsible for the overall management of the State finances which includes mobilisation of resources and...
This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) relates to matters arising from Performance audit of selected programmes and activities and Compliance audit of Government departments and autonomous bodies. Compliance audit refers...
Andhra Pradesh Government enacted Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act in October 2005 as recommended by the Twelfth Finance Commission (TFC). It sets out a reform agenda through fiscal correction path in the medium term with...
Chapter 1 Finances of the State Government This chapter provides a broad perspective of the finances of the Government of Andhra Pradesh during the current year and analyses critical changes in the major fiscal aggregates relative to the previous...
This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been prepared for submission to the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi under Article 151(2) of the Constitution of India for being laid before the State...
Annexures Annexure-1.1 (Referred to in paragraph 1.10; page 6) Statement showing Status of Accounts of the Autonomous Bodies as on 31 March, 2013 SI. Name of the body Period of Year upto Delay in Period upto Placement Delay in No. entrustment which ...