Page 103 of 103, showing 6 records out of 1,026 total
Report No. 18 of 2013 GLOSSARY ASI Archaeological Survey of India AAT Act Antiquities and Art Treasure Act AAT Rules Antiquities and Art Treasure Rules ACWHM Advisory Committee on World Heritage Matters ADG Additional Director General AKTC Aga Khan...
The world over Disaster Preparedness or Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is becoming the most prominent theme for Disaster Management. It is not possible to eliminate the possibility of disasters. However, with due care and proper preparation, the...
Chapter - VII: Response System for Disasters The efficacy of the government's role in disaster management is judged largely by the quality of 'response' and its effectiveness in minimizing loss of life and property of affected people. The response...
In response to the Twelfth Finance Commission's recommendations, the Gujarat Government enacted the Gujarat Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2005 (GFRA) which incorporated the objectives of prudence in fiscal management, fiscal stability by progressive...
Finances of the State Government Profile of Gujarat Gujarat is situated on the west coast of India, bound by the Arabian Sea in the west, the States of Rajasthan in the north, Madhya Pradesh in the east and Maharashtra in the south. The State also...
This Audit Report has been prepared in six chapters. Chapters I to V deal with Social, Economic, State Public Sector Undertakings, Revenue and General Sectors and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit observations. This Report contains 23 audit...
CHAPTER V: GENERAL SECTOR 5.1 Introduction This Chapter of the Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2013 deals with the findings on audit of the State Government units under General Sector. The names of the State Government departments and the...
This Report comprises of three chapters containing audit findings pertaining to Social, General and Economic Sectors (Non-PSUs); Revenue Sector; and Social & Economic Sector (PSUs).There are four Performance audits on National Rural Health...
Chapter-Ill Social and Economic Sectors (Public Sector Undertakings) Social and Economic Sectors (Public Sector Undertakings) 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Status of Public Sector Undertakings The Economic Sector (PSUs) comprises 20 departments. Some of...