
Report No. 5 of 2024-Performance Audit Report on Implementation of Schemes for Welfare of Tea Tribes, Government of Assam

Date on which Report Tabled:
Fri 30 Aug, 2024
Date of sending the report to Government:
Wed 31 Jul, 2024
Government Type:
Sector Social Welfare


The Report is about the results of a Performance Audit on Implementation for Welfare of tea tribes, in the state of Assam. The PA was conducted for five years’ period from 2015-16 to 2019-20. However, the status of funds received and utilised by Tea Tribes Welfare Department (TTWD) and Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board (ATEWB), applicable wage rates for tea workers as prevailed in 2020-21 and 2021-22 have suitably been incorporated in the Report.

The welfare of tea tribes is a shared responsibility between the State Government and the Plantation Management under the Plantations Labour Act, 1951. Government of Assam has been implementing various welfare schemes for the socio-economic development of the tea tribes through different departments. Amongst these, the TTWD and the Labour & Welfare Department are the key departments. Audit was conducted in four Zones Cachar, Dibrugarh, Nagaon and Sonitpur covering 40 tea-estates (out of total 390 tea estates in selected four Zones) based on the size of the plantations and number of workers employed therein. The PA examined the welfares measures/schemes implemented by the TTWD. The PA also examined the implementation of the Plantation Labour Act, 1951 and the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, and their enforcement by the Labour and Welfare Department in tea plantation areas. Additionally, the Labour and Welfare Department manages various welfare Performance Audit on Implementation of Schemes for Welfare of Tea Tribes activities for tea tribes with the assistance of the ATEWB.

Overall, the shortcomings noticed in implementation of welfare schemes for tea tribes and in implementation of labour laws and worker’s welfare provisions in tea estates are discussed in this Report.

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