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Minutes of the meeting held by Dy. C&AG with the All India Federation of Divisional Accounts Officers & Divisional Accountants Association on 09.03.2021.
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Minutes of the meeting held by the DY.C&AG (HR & Training) with the All India Audit & Accounts Association on 16.09.2019
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Minutes of the meeting held by the DY.C&AG (HR & LB) with the National Audit Federation on 25.03.2019
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Minutes of the meeting held by the Dy.C&AG with the All India Audit & Accounts Association on 21.12.2017
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Minutes of the meeting held by Dy. C&AG with the All India Federation of Sr. Audit Officers and Audit Officers on 11.12.2017
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Minutes of the meeting held by Dy. C&AG with the All India Federation of Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants Association on 10.03.2017
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Minutes of the meeting held by Dy. C&AG with National Audit Federation on 23.11.2016
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Minutes of the XXVIIIth Ordinary Meeting of Departmental Council-IA&AD held on 29th December, 2015 at 3.00 PM
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Minutes of the meeting held by the Dy. C&AG with the All India Federation of Divisional Accounts Officers & Divisional Accountants Associations on 27.08.2015
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Minutes of the meeting held by Dy. C&AG with the All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association on 09-12-2014
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