Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 79 of 128, showing 10 records out of 1,275 total

01 August 2014
Report No. 1 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Revenue Sector and Social, General and Economic Sector PSUs of Government of Delhi

The Report contains one Performance Audit on Levy and Collection of Stamp Duty and Registration Fee and two paragraphs involving Rs. 536 crore, relating to underassessment/short payment/loss of revenue etc. in Part A and one Performance Audit and...

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12 December 2014
Report No. 28 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Hospital Management in Indian Railways Union Government,Railways

Indian Railways provide medical and health services to 64 lakh railway beneficiaries through 129 hospitals and 588 Health Units spreading over 17 Zonal Railways (ZRs) and five production units. Director General /Railway Health Service is the head of ...

Transport & Infrastructure
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19 December 2014
Report No. 31 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Management of Goods Trains Union Government,Railways

Freight is a profit making business segment of Indian Railways and is the backbone of railway revenues. Over the years the market share of Indian Railways has been consistently shrinking and railways was losing out to road sector. Achievement of...

Transport & Infrastructure
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12 December 2014
Report No. 23 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Environment Management in Indian Railways - Workshops, Sheds and Production units Union Government,Railways

Parliamentary Standing Committee (1997-98) in their Fourteenth Report on Modernisation and Capacity Utilisation of workshops in Indian Railways obsen'ed that working conditions in workshops posed hazards to the health of workers. The Committee...

Transport & Infrastructure
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18 July 2014
Report No. 3 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Public Private Partnership Projects in Indian Railways Union Government,Railways

Indian Railways (IR) is a prime mover in the transport sector of the nation. It is one of the largest railway systems in the world under a single management and is the single largest mover of freight in the country. Despite improvement in growth...

Transport & Infrastructure
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19 December 2014
Report No. 33 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Central Excise Administration in Automotive Sector of Union Government, Department of Revenue-Indirect Taxes,Central Excise

We conducted a performance audit in 40 selected Commissionerates, including examination of records relating to 239 assessees manufacturing automobiles or parts thereof, to seek assurance that the indirect tax administration is adequately placed to...

Taxes and Duties
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23 December 2014
Report No. 36 of 2014 - performance Audit on Implementation of Public Private Partnership Projects in National Highways Authority of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) had set a target for widening and up gradation of National Highways (NH) at 20 km per day. It was, however, noticed that NHAI's achievement during 2009-10 to 2012-13 ranged between 3.06 km and 17.81 km ...

Transport & Infrastructure
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28 November 2014
Report No. 29 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Administration of Prosecution and Penalties in Central Excise and Service Tax of Union Government, Department of Revenue - Indirect Taxes, Central Excise and Service Tax

Prosecution is the commencement of a criminal proceeding, where the Government exhibits before a Court of Law the formal charges against a person accused of an offense and seeks to impose on such person a suitable punishment and penalty. Thus, in...

Taxes and Duties
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28 November 2014
Report No. 21 of 2014 - Performance Audit of Special Economic Zones SEZs of Union Government, Department of Revenue - Indirect Taxes, Customs

A Special Economic Zone is a geographical region within a Nation-State in which a distinct legal frame work provides for more liberal economic policies and governance arrangements than prevail in the country at large. The geographical areas thus...

Taxes and Duties
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04 August 2014
Report No. 18 of 2014 - performance Audit on Planning and Implementation of Transmission Projects by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited and Grid Management by Power System Operation Corporation Limited of Union Government, Ministry of Power

Inter state and intra state power transmission systems are inter connected and together constitute the grid. In 1984, a working group constituted by Government of India (GOI) for development of 'National Grid' recommended formation of a separate...

Power & Energy
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