Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 5 of 7, showing 10 records out of 65 total

11 June 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 1 of 2013 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31 March 2012, Government of Manipur

This Report has been prepared in six chapters. Chapters I to V deal with Social, Economic, Public Sector Undertakings, Revenue and General Sectors, and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit observations. The Report contains two performance...

Taxes and Duties |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Science and Technology |
Information and Communication |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure
Download Full Report (PDF 42.99 MB)
02 April 2013
Report No. 3 of 2013 - Compliance Audit on Economic Sectors of Government of Gujarat

This Report has been prepared for submission to the Governor under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. Chapter-I of this Report indicates audited entity profile, authority for audit, planning and conduct of audit, organisational structure of...

Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Infrastructure
Download Full Report (PDF 1.51 MB)
06 September 2013
Report No. 4 of 2013 - Financial and Performance Audit on District Gurgaon of Government of Haryana

Recognizing the importance accorded by the Planning Commission, Government of India adopted district-centric approach to devolution of finances for integrated local area development of a District. A district-centric audit of Gurgaon was carried out...

Transport & Infrastructure |
Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
Local Bodies
Download Full Report (PDF 20.71 MB)
11 March 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 3 of 2013 - Compliance and Performance Audit on Social, General and Economic Sectors Non-Public Sector Undertakings of Government of Haryana

This Report is prepared for submission to the Governor of the State of Haryana under Article 151 (2) of the Constitution of India. Chapter-1 of this Report covers auditee profiles, authority for audit, planning and conducting of audit and responses...

Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Industry and Commerce |
Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies |
Local Bodies
Download Full Report (PDF 6.53 MB)
21 February 2014
Report of 2013 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (State Finances) for the year ended 31st March 2013 Government of Bihar

This Report on the finances of the Government of Bihar intends to objectively assess the financial performance of the State during 2012-13 and to provide the State Legislature with proper inputs based on audit analysis of financial data. In order to ...

Finance |
Science and Technology |
Information and Communication |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare
Download Full Report (PDF 53.25 MB)
06 September 2013
Report No. 22 of 2013 - Compliance Audit on Union Government (Scientific and Environmental Departments)

This report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) relates to matters arising from compliance audit of the transactions of nine Scientific and Environmental Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. The report contains...

Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development
Download Full Report (PDF 3.97 MB)
18 February 2014
Report No. 29 of 2013 - Performance Audit on Network Projects of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Union Government, Scientific and Industrial Research

Government formulated the Tenth Five Year Plan with high expectations from Science and Technology sector in contributing to growth rate of the economy. As Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) had developed knowledge networks across...

Science and Technology
Download Full Report (PDF 0.91 MB)
02 April 2013
Report of 2012 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (State Finances) for the year Ended 31st March 2012 Government of Bihar

This Report on the finances of the Government of Bihar intends to objectively assess the financial performance of the State during 2011-12 and to provide the State Legislature with proper inputs based on audit analysis of financial data. In order to ...

Environment and Sustainable Development |
Finance |
Science and Technology |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Information and Communication
Download Full Report (PDF 1.13 MB)
27 September 2012
Compliance Financial Performance
Arunachal Pradesh
Report of 2011 - Financial and Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Arunachal Pradesh

This Report contains three performance reviews (including one on Chief Controlling Officer based audit of a Government) and 35 audit paragraphs based on the audit of certain selected programmes and activities and the financial transactions of the...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Science and Technology |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
Download Full Report (PDF 72.98 MB)
15 May 2012
Report No. 4 of 2012 - Compliance Audit on Hybrid Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Service, Union Government, Department of Space

The Report contains the results of examination of the 'hybrid satellite digital multimedia broadcasting service agreement with Devas' entered into by M/s Antrix Corporation Limited on behalf of the Department of Space and M/s Devas Multimedia...

Science and Technology
Download Full Report (PDF 2.79 MB)