Page 18 of 26, showing 10 records out of 258 total
This Audit Report lias been prepared in three chapters. Chapter I provides an overview of State Public Sector Undertakings (SPSUs) including figures on total investments in equity/long term loans of SPSUs. data on their financial performance, status ...
To ensure efficiency and effectiveness on delivery of key services like education, health, employment etc., Government of India (GoI) has increasingly been entrusting the responsibility for delivery at local level especially at PRIs and funds are...
Consequent upon restructuring of State Audit Offices on Sectoral basis by redistribution of departments, Audit Report (Civil) has been renamed as 'Audit Report on Social, General and Economic (Non-PSUs) Sectors" and also rearranged showing...
Audit of Government companies; is governed by Section 619 of the Companies; Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory management. Auditors appointed by CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit...
Government of India, Ministry of Power (MOP) launched (March 2005) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) to accelerate the pace of village electrification. MOP subsequently, merged all existing rural electricity programmes of Government...
Development of energy resources plays a vital role in the growth of an economy. An accelerated growth of power sector is imperative for the overall growth of the country. In order to accelerate economic growth of the country, Government of India...
Audit of Government companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by CAG....
This Audit Report has been prepared in six Chapters. Chapters I to V deal with Social, Economic, General, Public Sector Undertakings and Revenue Sectors and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit observations. This Report contains 16 Audit...
This Report contains chapters on Social, Economic and General Sectors and State Public Sector Undertakings comprising two performance reviews and 13 audit paragraphs, based on the audit of certain selected programmes and activities and the financial ...
This Report contains 44 paragraphs and three Performance Audits relating to under assessments/non-realisation/short realisation of penalties, taxes, duties etc. The total money value involved is RS 268 crore. During the year 2010-11. the total...