Page 120 of 121, showing 10 records out of 1,206 total
The Report contains one Performance Audit on Levy and Collection of Stamp Duty and Registration Fee and two paragraphs involving Rs. 536 crore, relating to underassessment/short payment/loss of revenue etc. in Part A and one Performance Audit and...
Annexures Annexures Annexure 3.1 Statement showing particulars of up to date Paid-up Capital, Loans outstanding and manpower as on 31 March 2013 in respect of Government Companies and Statutory Corporations (Referred to in paragraph 3 A) (Figures in ...
Indian Railways provide medical and health services to 64 lakh railway beneficiaries through 129 hospitals and 588 Health Units spreading over 17 Zonal Railways (ZRs) and five production units. Director General /Railway Health Service is the head of ...
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) had set a target for widening and up gradation of National Highways (NH) at 20 km per day. It was, however, noticed that NHAI's achievement during 2009-10 to 2012-13 ranged between 3.06 km and 17.81 km ...
The Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange System (ICES) was developed as the core ICT system through which import and export documents {Bills of Entry, Shipping Bills, Import General Manifests (IGMs) and Export General Manifests (EGMs)} were to ...
Report No. 11 of 2014 (Performance Audit) Chapter III: Functionality of the Application 3. Short scoping of ICES 1.5 The deficiency in customising various business rules in the system, as per the rules/Acts in force were observed relating to the...
Government of India, Ministry of Power (MOP) launched (March 2005) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) to accelerate the pace of village electrification. MOP subsequently, merged all existing rural electricity programmes of Government...
Chapter 6: Monitoring and evaluation 6.1. X Plan monitoring and evaluation The note to CCEA(February 2005), inter alia, specified that the scheme would be subject to concurrent evaluation and a view on modifications required for implementation...
This Report contains 24 paragraphs, two performance reviews, one thematic review and one integrated audit of a Department. The draft audit paragraphs and performance reviews were sent to the concerned Secretaries to the State Government with a...
This Report contains 16 Audit Paragraphs (excluding three general paragraphs) and two Performance Reviews and one Integrated Audit. According to the existing arrangements, copies of the draft audit paragraphs, draft performance reviews and draft...
CHAPTER - IV REVENUE RECEIPTS GENERAL 4.1 Trend of revenue receipts 4.1.1 The tax and non-tax revenue raised by the Government of Mizoram during the year 2009-10, the State’s share of divisible Union taxes and grants-in-aid received from the...
In response to the Twelfth Finance Commission's recommendations, the Gujarat Government enacted the Gujarat Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2005 (GFRA) which incorporated the objectives of prudence in fiscal management, fiscal stability by progressive...
Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on State Finances for the year ended 31 March 2013 GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT Contents Page Preface V Executive Summary vii Chapter I FINANCES OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT 1.1...
This Audit Report has been prepared in six chapters. Chapters I to V deal with Social, Economic, State Public Sector Undertakings, Revenue and General Sectors and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit observations. This Report contains 23 audit...
Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest States of India with a population of 8.46 crore and a geographical area of 2,74,400 sq.kms. For purpose of Administration there are 33 Departments at the Secretariat level headed by Principal...
Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Economic Sector for the year ended March 2013 Government of Andhra Pradesh Report No. 3 of 2014 Table of contents Reference to Subject Paragraph(s) Page(s) Preface...