Page 169 of 169, showing 7 records out of 1,687 total
The Report contains 58 paragraphs including two reviews relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty etc., involving Rs. 628.76 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned in the following paragraphs: The total revenue...
Overview of Government companies and Statutory corporations Audit of Government companies is governed by deficiencies in Section 619 of the Companies Act. 1956. The yearsaccounts of Government companies are audited by PSUsStatutory Auditors...
This Report includes three Chapters comprising five reviews and eighteen paragraphs dealing with the results of performance audit of selected schemes/programmes, integrated audit of a Government department as well as audit of the financial...
Andhra Pradesh Government enacted Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act in October 2005 as recommended by the Twelfth Finance Commission (TFC). It sets out a reform agenda through fiscal correction path in the medium term with...
The Delhi Government has put in place an institutional mechanism on fiscal transparency and accountability as is evident from the year-on-year presentation of outcome budgets. These outcome indicators tend to serve the limited purpose of measuring...
This Report contains 15 paragraphs including two reviews involving underassessment/short payment/loss of revenue etc., of Rs. 1729.62 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below: The total receipts of the State during the year 2008-09...
This Report on the audit of expenditure incurred by the Government of NCT of Delhi for the financial year ended March 2009 has been prepared for submission to the Lieutenant Governor under Article 151(2) of the Constitution of India. The report...