Audit Reports

Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue, Economic, Social and General Sectors and PSUs for the year ended 31 March 2019
This Report comprises three chapters containing audit findings pertaining to Revenue, Economic, Social and General Sectors and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Chapter I relating to Revenue Sector contains seven compliance audit paragraphs involving Rs. 137.77 crore on under-assessment, short levy of tax, interest and penalty. Chapter II relating to PSUs contains an overview on functioning of power and non-power sector PSUs and four compliance audit paragraphs involving Rs. 30.23 crore and Chapter III relating to Social and General Sectors contains three compliance audit paragraphs involving Rs. 29.76 crore.
Chapter I: Revenue Sector
The total revenue receipts of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) for the year 2018-19 were Rs. 43,112.60 crore as compared to Rs. 38,667.27 crore in the year 2017-18. Out of this, 86 per cent was raised through tax revenue (Rs. 36,624.67 crore) and non-tax revenue (Rs. 644.16 crore).
The compliance audit paragraphs points out short levy/ short realisation of stamp duty and registration fee, short levy of tax, etc.
Chapter II: Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
As on 31 March 2019, there were 19 State PSUs which included 17 Government companies and two statutory corporations. The working PSUs registered an annual turnover of Rs. 9,318.69 crore which was equal to 1.20 per cent of Gross State Domestic Product for the year 2018-19.
The profit earned by Power Sector Undertakings was Rs. 806.48 crore in 2018‑19 against Rs. 297.55 crore in 2014-15. The overall accumulated profits of five power sector undertakings were Rs. 869.91 crore. The PSUs (other than power sector) incurred overall losses during the five year period from 2014-15 to 2018-19. Out of the 14 PSUs, five PSUs earned profit of Rs. 68.42 crore and five PSUs incurred losses of Rs. 4,366.95 crore (of which loss of DTC was Rs. 4,329.41 crore).
The audit of operation and maintenance of Industrial Areas at Bawana and Narela revealed serious deficiencies on the part of Delhi State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation with respect to ensuring proper discharge of functions by the two concessionaires as per the concession agreement such as unauthorised collection of water and sewer connection charges, improper monitoring, inadequate grievance redressal mechanism etc. Apart from this the report also brings out loss due to undervaluation of assets and failure to recover service tax by PSUs.
Chapter III: Social, General and Economic Sectors (Non-PSUs)
This portion of the Report contains three paragraphs with financial implication of Rs. 29.76 crore relating to Functioning of Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, excess expenditure on electricity charges by Delhi Technological University and excess payment of transport allowance to employees by Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi.
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Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue, Economic, Social and General Sectors and PSUs for the year ended 31 March 2019
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Chapter-I Revenue Sector
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Chapter II Introduction
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Chapter III Social, General and Economic Sectors (Non-PSUs)
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