Report No. 1 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Revenue Sector of Government of Karnataka
Date on which Report Tabled:
Wed 19 Feb, 2014
Date of sending the report to Government:
Taxes and Duties
This Report contains 32 paragraphs including two Performance Audits relating to non/short levy of tax, interest, penalty, revenue foregone, etc. involving Rs. 224.16 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below:
Total revenue receipts of the State Government for the year 2011-12 amounted to Rs. 78,176.22 crore against Rs. 69,806.27 crore for the previous year. 74 per cent of this was raised by State through tax revenue (Rs. 53,753.55 crore) and non-tax revenue (Rs. 3,966.11 crore). The balance 26 per cent was received from the Government of India as State's share of divisible Union taxes (Rs. 12,647.14 crore) and grants-in-aid (Rs. 7,809.42 crore).
A total of 3,363 Inspection Reports issued upto December 2012 containing 7,283 observations involving money value of Rs. 1,550.33 crore were pending for settlement at the end of June 2013.
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