जीपीएफ की जानकारी
- फंड में शामिल होने की पात्रता
- जीपीएफ अंशदान
- अग्रिम
- निकासी
- अंतिम समापन
लेखा का वार्षिक विवरण
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- आवेदन अग्रेषित करना
लेजर कार्ड
- मिसिंग क्रेडिट का समायोजन
- अनुप्रयोग
भविष्य निधि शेष
- जीपीएफ गणना
- फुल वॉन्ट / पार्ट वांट / अनपोस्टेड रिपोर्ट
- सब्सक्राइबर / डीडीओ के लिए जानकारी
C & AG शिकायत मामलों की स्थिति
- सामान्य प्रश्न
GPF monthly subscription should not be less than 6% of the emoluments and not more than the Basic Pay. Percentage is based on the emoluments to which the government servant is entitled as on the 31st of March of the preceding year.
Monthly subscription can be enhanced twice or reduced once during the course of the year. The GPF account can be credited by the subscriber by way of monthly subscription and by government by way of general or special orders to credit the arrears of pay and allowances due and admissible to the government servant’s GPF account. As it is the liability of the government to pay interest to the subscriber on the accumulation in GPF account hence any amount credited to GPF account, other than those described above, are treated as unauthorized credits to GPF account hence no interest is admissible on such amounts.