जीपीएफ की जानकारी
- फंड में शामिल होने की पात्रता
- जीपीएफ अंशदान
- अग्रिम
- निकासी
- अंतिम समापन
लेखा का वार्षिक विवरण
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- आवेदन अग्रेषित करना
लेजर कार्ड
- मिसिंग क्रेडिट का समायोजन
- अनुप्रयोग
भविष्य निधि शेष
- जीपीएफ गणना
- फुल वॉन्ट / पार्ट वांट / अनपोस्टेड रिपोर्ट
- सब्सक्राइबर / डीडीओ के लिए जानकारी
C & AG शिकायत मामलों की स्थिति
- सामान्य प्रश्न
The appropriate sanctioning authority may sanction the payment to any subscriber advance for a sum not exceeding the amount of three months pay or half the amount standing to his credit in the fund, whichever is less, for any one of the following purposes -
- To any expenses in connection with the illness, confinement or a disability including where necessary, the travelling expenses of a subscriber and members of his family or any person actually dependent on him:
- to meet cost of higher education, including where necessary, travelling expenses of the subscriber and members of his family or any person actually dependent on him in the following cases, namely, (i) for education outside India for Academic, Technical, Professional or Vocational course beyond the High School stage, and (ii) for any medical, engineering or other technical or specified courses in India after completion of the High School studies:
- Provided that clause (b) shall not apply if the course of study in the course of military education in any Sainik or Military school which commences before completion of the High School studies:
- to meet expenses commensurate with the status of subscriber which by customary usage the subscriber has to incur in connection with the betrothals or marriage or of subscriber or of a member of his family or for any person actually dependent on him or other ceremonies:
- To meet the cost of legal proceeding instituted by or against for subscriber or any member of his family or any person actually dependent upon him. The advances in this case may be available in addition to any advance admissible for the same purpose from any other Government source.
- To meet the cost of the Subscriber’s defense where he engages a legal practitioner to defend himself in an enquiry in respect of any alleged official misconduct on his part or any suit instituted against him.
- To meet the cost of legal proceeding instituted by private party against the subscriber in respect of matters connected with the discharge of his official duty.
- To meet the cost of plot for construction of house or of a flat or a residence or to mate any payment towards the allotment of a plot or flat by the City and Industrial Development Corporation or the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority or a Co-operative Society or a private builder or of reconstructing or making additions or alterations or upkeep of a house or a flat in which the subscriber is residing at the place of his duty.
- To meet the cost of purchasing a Television set or a refrigerator, or a washing machine or a solar cooker.
The appropriate sanctioning authority may, in special circumstances sanction the payment to any subscriber of an advance. If it is satisfied that the subscriber concerned requires the advance for reasons other than those mentioned above, subject to the monetary ceiling stated above.
An advance shall not, except for special reasons to be recorded in writing, be granted to any subscriber in excess of the limit laid down in sub-rule(1) until the repayment of at least twelve installment of the previous advance or until the last installment thereof whichever is earlier is made.
When an advance is sanctioned under sub-rule(3) the balance of the previous advance, not recovered, shall be added to the advance sanctioned before repayment of the last installment of any previous advance, is completed and the installment for recovery shall be fixed with reference to the consolidated amount.
After sanctioning the advance, the amount shall be drawn on an authorization from the Accounts Officer, in case where the application for final payment had been forwarded to the Accounts Officer under clause 2(b) of the Note under sub-rule (4) of rule 28.