International Centre for Information Systems and Audit, (iCISA),
A-52, Sector -62 Institutional Area, Phase-II,
Noida-201 309, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Notification
- Functions
- Organizational Structure
- Power and Duties of its officers and Employees
- Designation and other particulars of the public information officer
Information under Section 4 (1) (b) of Right to Information Act - 2005 relating to office of the Director General, (iCISA) is as follows:
Name of the Organization with Address | Office of the Director General, International Centre for Information Systems and Audit, (iCISA) A-52, Sector -62, Institutional Area, Phase-II, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India | E-mail Address | icisa[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
EPABX No | 0091-120-2400050,2400051,2400052 | Fax No | 0091-120-2400041, 24001430 |
Conducting International Training Courses under different scholarships
International Centre for Information Systems and Audit (iCISA), established by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, an ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 27001 certified institution, is responsible for conducting International Training Programmes for audit professionals from Supreme Audit Institutions all over the world in different areas of auditing and accounting. The Centre conducts five International Training Courses every fiscal year (April to March) on subjects of topical interest relating to Audit. These programmes are conducted under the Government of India's different scholarship programmes viz. the ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Co-operation), SCAAP (Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme) and CP (Colombo Plan). The participants who are not covered under these Schemes may also join the programmes under Self Funding Scheme (SFS). Further iCISA also conducts training for:-
Conducting country specific International Training Courses
These programmes are held on a particular theme for the country specific SAI. Funding of these programmes is borne by the SAI proposing the training. -
Conducting In house Training Courses on Different Audit Themes
Besides it also imparts professional training to officers of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, IAS, IFS, Defence Officers, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Sectt. Officers at various levels.
Publication of Research Papers
iCISA undertakes the publication of research papers on various audit related themes.
Holding seminars/ workshops for the Indian Audit & Accounts Department

Sr Administrative Officer (Secretary to DG)
- DG Secretariat
Sr Administrative Officer (ITP and NTP)
- International Training Programme
- National Training Programme
Sr Administrative Officer (Admin and Hostel)
- Duties and responsibilities as DDO
- Administration and Establishment matters of iCISA
- Matters related to Rajbhasa
- ISO Certification
- Hostel management
Sr Administrative Officer (Estate and IT Infra)
- Estate
- Horticulture Maintenance - CPWD
- To look after Computer Hardware and software in ICISA
Expenditure for 2020-21 | ||
S. No | Head of Expenditure | Expenditure ( Rupees ) |
1 | Salary | 32040116 |
2 | Professional Services | 32619164 |
3. | Information Technology | 2877136 |
4. | Travel and Medical expenses | 978484 |
5. | Office expenses | 15139980 |
Mr. Rahul Kumar, Director, iCISA is public information officer, Tel No. 0091-0120-2400129 e-mail - icisa(at)cag[dot]gov[dot]in