• IT Audit of Orissa Treasury Management System(2009)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of DVAT System of the Department of Trades and Taxes, Government of Delhi(2009)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Review on the Computerisation of Tamil Nadu StateMarketing Corporation Limited(2009)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit on Computerisation of Land Records in Bihar(2009)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT audit of e-RTA and e-Transport software in the Department of Transport, Goa(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of Computerisation of the Registration Department in Tamil Nadu(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project (e-Mitra) Rajasthan(2008)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of ERP based Financial Module Package in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of ERP based Financial Accounting module in Konkan Railway Corporation Limited(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of ERP based Financial Module Package in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited