Audit Reports

Report of 2007 - Financial Audit on Panchayat Raj Institutions, Government of Bihar
The report has nine chapters which bring out the status of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs), Accounting and Audit arrangements, Introduction to Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) in the State, in Chapter I, Budget and Financial Management in Chapter II, Major Lapses in Revenue Management in Chapter III. Chapter IV deals with Lapses in human resources management and Major irregularities in Execution of Schemes are highlighted in Chapter V. Recovery at the Instance of Audit is highlighted in Chapter VI. Status of Recovery by Surcharge proceedings, Nonsettlement of outstanding Paras and Conclusions and Recommendations are given in Chapter VII, VIII & IX respectively.
PRIs are mainly financed by grants from Central Govt. besides recurring and nonrecurring grants released by the State Govt. and their own sources of revenue. State Govt. yet to notify minimum and maximum rates of taxes to be imposed by PSs and GPs so as to enable them to augment their sources of revenue.PRIs yet to start preparation of Annual Accounts. Hence utilisation of grants and other funds could not fully vouched.Budget and financial management in PRIs State Govt. yet to frame rules regarding time and process to be followed for preparation of budget estimates.All the 48 PSs and 196 GPs covered in this audit did not prepare budget estimates and none of the PRIs prepared Annual Accounts for the year upto 2007.
All the PRIs were maintaining several cash books in place of one and the transactions covered in several cash books were not compiled, which resulted in non depiction of actual position of finance.In six ZPs, where the closing balance of cash book and bank accounts were available, a comparison of the two sets of figures revealed a discrepancy of Rs. 10.38 crore.In 33 PSs the total discrepancy noticed was to the tune of Rs. 9.79 crore. (Para 2.5.2) Rupees 90.17 lakh was diverted by ZPs Bhagalpur and Bhojpur during 2003-04 to 2006-07 out of Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth FC and SGRY Grants for other purposes and Rs. 41.21 lakh was diverted by PS Runni Saidpur from SGRY fund between January 2004 to March 2004 in M.L.A. Schemes.
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Chapter 1 - Introduction to PRIs in the State of Bihar
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Chapter 2 - Budget and Financial Management in PRIs
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Chapter 3 - Major Lapses in Revenue Management
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Chapter 4 - Major irregularities in execution of schemes/works
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Chapter 5 - Review on "Transfer of functions, functionaries and funds to Panchayat Raj Institutions
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Chapter 6 - Recovery at the Instance of Audit
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Chapter 7 - Status of Recovery by Surcharge proceedings
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Chapter 8 - Non-settlement of outstanding Paras
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Chapter 9 - Conclusion and Recommendations
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