Audit Reports


Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India Report No. 1 (State Finances) for the year ended 31 March 2011, Government of Jharkhand

Date on which Report Tabled:
Thu 06 Sep, 2012
Date of sending the report to Government
Government Type
Sector Finance


 Jharkhand State is known for its vast forest resources and is the leading producer of mineral wealth having 40 per cent of the country's mineral reserves. The Gross State Domestic Product of the State has grown at a lower rate (13.34 per cent) in the past decade compared to the average Gross State Domestic Product growth of General Category States (14.68 per cent). The population density in Jharkhand has increased from 338 person per sq. km. to 414 person per sq. km. As such Jharkhand has higher density of population as compared to General Category States. During this period its population has grown by 22.34per cent against 17.56 per cent in other General Category States. The per capita income growth in Jharkhand has been lower than that of the General Category States in the current decade. The State has also more population below poverty line (40.3 per cent) as compared to the General Category States (27.5 percent). However, the inequality of income distribution in the case of rural areas as well as urban areas of Jharkhand was less than the General Category States.
 This Report on the Finances of the Government of Jharkhand is being brought out with a view to objectively assess the financial performances of the State during 2010-11 and to provide the State Government and State Legislature with timely inputs based on audit analysis of financial data. In order to give a perspective to the analysis, an effort has been made to compare the achievements with the targets envisaged by the State Government Fiscal Responsibility and Budgetary Management (FRBM) Act, 2007 and in the Budget Estimates of 2010-ll.                                   
 Based on the audited accounts of the Government of Jharkhand for the year ending March 2011, this Report provides an analytical review of the Annual Accounts of the State Government. The Report is structured in three Chapters.

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