Audit Reports

Compliance Performance

Report No 3 of 2015 - Revenue Sector Government of Karnataka

Date on which Report Tabled:
Thu 03 Mar, 2016
Date of sending the report to Government
Government Type
Sector Finance


Performance Audits

The Performance Audit Report on “Levy and Collection of Motor Vehicles Tax” revealed that:

Controls were fairly adequate to ensure registration of motor vehicles and levy and collection of tax on non–transport vehicles. However, controls were inadequate to ensure regular payment of quarterly tax and proper maintenance of Demand Collection and Balance (DCB) statement. There was insufficient compliance with requirements of getting fitness certificates for vehicles. Recovery of Green Tax was impaired due to faulty controls. Total money value pointed out in the PA was Rs. 302.19 crore.

Information Systems Audit on “Computerisation of the Department of Mines and Geology (DMG)” revealed that:

Computerisation of DMG brought about better efficiency and facilitation of e-services. However, it was found that the system was not customised to the specific requirements of the State, and, as a result, did not cater to all the process requirements, including that of a fully functional accounting system. The DCB was also not functional.

Potential of the system to curb illegal mining not optimised due to lack of complete computerisation of check posts and inability to obtain Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) data.

Compliance Audit

The observations included in this Report highlight the deficiencies in Departments of Commercial Taxes, State Excise, Stamps and Registration, Transport, Revenue and Mines and Geology which led to loss of revenue of Rs.35.46 crore.

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