Audit Reports


Report No. 1 of 2024 : Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India Compliance Audit (Revenue) For the year ended 31 March 2021

Date on which Report Tabled:
Fri 02 Aug, 2024
Date of sending the report to Government
Fri 03 May, 2024
Government Type
Sector Taxes and Duties


This Report covers matters arising out of the Compliance Audit of some State Government Departments. The primary purpose of this Report is to bring to the notice of the Legislature the important results of audit. Findings of audit are expected to enable the Executive to take corrective action, as also to frame policies and directives that will lead to improved financial management of the organisations, contributing to better governance.

The Report has been organised in three chapters, as under:

  • Chapter 1 contains the overview of trend of revenue raised by the Government of Jharkhand and arrears of taxes pending collection against the backdrop of audit findings, response of the Government to Inspection Reports, Compliance Audits, follow-up action on Audit Reports etc. and significant audit observations included in this Audit Report.
  • Chapter 2 contains observations relating to Tax Receipts featuring a Compliance Audit on Transitional Credits and seven paragraphs relating to the Commercial Taxes Department and the Excise and Prohibition Department.
  • Chapter 3 contains observations relating to Non-Tax Receipts, featuring a Compliance Audit on the Working of the District Mineral Foundation Trust in Jharkhand and one paragraph relating to the Mines and Geology Department.

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