Audit Reports

Uttar Pradesh
Report of 2008 - Financial Audit on Urban Local Bodies, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Government implemented the system of democratic governance down to grass root level in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) through Uttar Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1959 and Uttar Pradesh Nagar Palika Act, 1916. The objective was to make the ULBs self reliant and to provide better civic facilities to the people of the areas under their jurisdiction. Further, the SeventyFourth Constitutional Amendment (1992) paved the way for decentralization of powers, transfer and devolution of more functions and funds to the ULBs.
Consequently, more diversified responsibilities were devolved through a three tier structure namely Nagar Nigams 1 (NNs), Nagar Palika Parishads 2 (NPPs) and Nagar Panchayat 3 (NPs). To incorporate the provisions of the SeventyFourth Constitutional Amendment, the legislature of Uttar Pradesh enacted the Uttar Pradesh Urban Local Self Government Laws(Amendment) Act, 1994.
There were 627 ULBs in the State, governed by the elected board of their members with normally five years tenure. The last election to these 627 ULBs was held in the year 2006.
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Chapter 1 - An Overview of Urban Local Bodies
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Chapter 2 - Audit of Transactions
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