Compliance Performance

Report No.7 of 2017 - Revenue Sector Government of Karnataka

Date on which Report Tabled:
Thu 22 Feb, 2018
Date of sending the report to Government:
Government Type:
Sector Taxes and Duties


The Report features a Performance Audit, a Thematic Audit and 12 other Compliance Audit paragraphs with a money value of ` 311.58 crore.

Performance Audit on “Regulation and control over manufacture, possession, transportation, distribution and sale of alcoholic products in the State of Karnataka” revealed inadequacies in determining the actual yield of rectified spirit in the distilleries. There were control lapses by Distillery Officers and agencies involved in the distribution, besides significant levels of violations of licence conditions.

Thematic Audit on “Deduction of royalty on minor minerals by works executing departments/agencies” revealed that the chances of illegal quarrying in the State are high as the Department of Mines and Geology did not have any control over the total minor minerals extracted, transported and consumed in the State. Upto 79 per cent of the minor minerals consumed in various works were without Mineral Dispatch Permits and the sources of quarrying were unknown. There were also lapses on the part of work executing departments/agencies in deduction and remittance of royalty.

Besides the above, this Report features paragraphs on Non/short-levy of VAT on works contract receipts and sale of liquor, loss of Stamp-Duty and Registration Fee, Non/short-levy compounding amount and a few others with a money value of ` 133.41 crore. 

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